I took the survey, and enjoyed it. There was a suggestion to also fill out the Rationalist Organizer Census, 2023. I can't remember if I have already filled it out, or I'm mixing it together with the 2022 Census. Is it new?
I didn't fill it out yet, but I just want to say that I appreciate all of the survey being on one page rather than requiring you to fill out all the answers on the first page and then click "next page" to see more questions. That would have been particularly annoying given the "do you want your answers to be made private" question - I want to see what I'm asked before I can tell whether I want to keep my answers private! Kudos.
I enjoyed filling this out!
The question here is the opposite of its title:
Unknown features Which of the following features of the LessWrong website did you know how to use before you read this question?
That could result in some respondents answering in reverse if they skim.
Completed the survey. I liked the additional questions you added, and the overall work put into this. Thanks!
Finished the survey! I really liked it, some unexpected questions in there. I am excited for the results.
My brain froze up on that question. In order for there to be mysterious old wizards, there have to be wizards, and in order for the words "mysterious" and "old" to be doing useful work in that question the wizards would have to vary in their age and mysteriousness, and I'm very unsure how the set of potential worlds that implies compares to this one.
I'm probably taking the question too literally... :D
And, um, done.
Survey complete! I enjoyed the new questions, this should bring about some pretty graphs. Thank you for coordinating this.
(_) I've made my own post, but never gotten a front page tag
(_) At least one post I made got a front page tag
Is there a quick way to figure this out? When I click on my name, it shows a list of the posts I made, but I need to click on them individually to figure out whether they were at the front page (there is a tag "Frontpage" below the title) or not. Could be difficult for people who made many non-frontpage posts, and don't remember if there was any that made it to the front page.
The "… I accidentally clicked a radio button and can't un-answer this question" option is funny: it's a good solution to a common problem, but one that doesn't actually exist in this case.
I took the survey and mostly enjoyed it. There are some questions that I skipped because my answer would be too specific and I wanted to keep the ability to speak about them without breaking anonymity.
I also skipped some questions because I wasn't sure how to interpret certain words.
Given that some users in some countries or regions(for me it is Chinese Mainland) have no access to any website related to Google because of firewalls or stuffs, I don't think this survey can completely succeed in reflecting the whole user image of Lesswrong. Sorry for not completing the survey:(
Completed my first LessWrong survey! I liked the several questions that tried to sort out all the lizardmen.
I enjoyed filling it out!
After hitting Submit I remembered that I did have one thought to share about the survey: There were questions about whether I have attended meetups. It would have been nice to also have questions about whether I was looking for / wanted more meetup opportunities.
Did this appear pinned to the LW frontpage when it was first posted and I missed it? I completed it today because it showed up today, but apparently it's been available for a month?
If anyone had any issues with the political questions at the end, then please poke me about them here so I can take it into account for further development of this ideology test.
I am not a Bayesian, so I have philosophical objections to giving probabilities to things that are not a distribution you can sample from.
The survey just assumes that everyone is a Bayesian.
I had the same problem with last year's survey, but I don't remember whether I asked and if I asked then what was the answer: Does 'supernatural entity' includes a being outside the simulation? and similarly Does 'magic' includes events that cant be explained by the physical laws of the simulation (but can be explained by the laws of the simulator's world). I can see arguments for either.
Also, some questions ask about lesswrong accounts, but assumes one only has one.
Mark whether to make your responses private; ie exclude them when this data is made public. Keep in mind that although it should in theory be difficult to identify you from your survey results, it may be possible if you have an unusual answer to certain questions, for example your Less Wrong karma. Please also be aware that even if this box is checked, the person collecting the surveys (Screwtape) will be able to see your results (but will keep them confidential)
This sounds like there should be a checkbox here, but I see two "spherical" response options instead.
Completed the survey.
The question here is the opposite of its title:
P(Global catastrophic risk)
What is the probability that the human race will make it to 2100 without any catastrophe that wipes out more than 90% of humanity?
It's asking for P(no global catastrophic risk) so easy to answer the inverse if skimming.
The LessWrong Review runs every year to select the posts that have most stood the test of time. This post is not yet eligible for review, but will be at the end of 2024. The top fifty or so posts are featured prominently on the site throughout the year.
Hopefully, the review is better than karma at judging enduring value. If we have accurate prediction markets on the review results, maybe we can have better incentives on LessWrong today. Will this post make the top fifty?
Most of the probabilities are epsilon, and/or 100%-epsilon, and/or larger/smaller epsilons (for "unsure in known psychology" and "unsure in known logic" probability difference).
Maybe will do next year, because I have a lot to change.
The Less Wrong General Census is unofficially here! You can take it atthis link.Update: The census is closed! Thank you everyone who took it.
It's that time again.
If you are reading this post and identify as a LessWronger, then you are the target audience. I'd appreciate it if you took the survey. If you post, if you comment, if you lurk, if you don't actually read the site that much but you do read a bunch of the other rationalist blogs or you're really into HPMOR, if you hung out on rationalist tumblr back in the day, or if none of those exactly fit you but I'm maybe getting close, I think you count and I'd appreciate it if you took the survey.
Don't feel like you have to answer all of the questions just because you started taking it. Last year I asked if people thought the survey was too long, collectively they thought it was maybe a little bit too long, and then I added more questions than I removed. The survey is structured so the fastest and most generally applicable questions are (generally speaking) towards the start. At any point you can scroll to the bottom and hit Submit, though you won't be able to change your answers once you do.
The questions are a mix of historical questions that were previously asked on the LW Census, new questions sourced from LW commenters and some rationalist adjacent organizations I reached out to, and the things I'm curious about. This includes questions from a list a member of the LessWrong team sent me when I asked about running the census.
The survey shall remain open from now until at least January 1st, 2024. I plan to close it sometime on Jan 2nd.
I don't work for LessWrong, and as far as I know the LessWrong Census organizer has never been someone who worked for LessWrong. Once the survey is closed, I plan to play around with the data and write up an analysis post like this one.
Remember, you can take the survey atthis link.Update: The census is closed, thank you everybody who took it! You can see the analysis post here.Once upon a time, there was a tradition that if you took the survey you could comment here saying you had done so, and people would upvote you and you would get karma.