PDF version. berkeleygenomics.org. Twitter thread. (Bluesky copy.)


The world will soon use human germline genomic engineering technology. The benefits will be enormous: Our children will be long-lived, will have strong and diverse capacities, and will be halfway to the end of all illness.

To quickly bring about this world and make it a good one, it has to be a world that is beneficial, or at least acceptable, to a great majority of people. What laws would make this world beneficial to most, and acceptable to approximately all? We'll have to chew on this question ongoingly.

Genomic Liberty is a proposal for one overarching principle, among others, to guide public policy and legislation around germline engineering. It asserts:

Parents have the right to freely choose the genomes of their children.

If upheld, genomic liberty protects the rights of parents from regulation by the state.

A visual summary of the more detailed structure of the principle of genomic liberty:

The principle of genomic liberty has several potential exceptions. These cases aren't strongly protected by genomic liberty, and therefore could potentially be regulated while upholding genomic liberty:

  • Genomic choices that are clearly prospectively very unsafe.
  • Genomic choices that remove a core aspect of human nature.
  • Genomic choices with extreme negative externalities on other citizens.
  • Nonconsensual use of someone's DNA.
  • Genomic alterations chosen by parents who are severely non compos mentis.
  • Genomic choices that would severely permanently impair the child's ability to communicate their state of mind.

Within the principle of genomic liberty, there are tentpole principles that apply to a narrower set of cases, but that give stronger protection against regulation. These tentpole principles help to clarify genomic liberty, and to fortify it against inappropriate regulation:

Non-intervention liberty. Parents have a very strong right to not genomically intervene on their child, in whole or in any aspect.

Propagative liberty. Parents have a strong right to propagate their own genes and their own traits, in whole or in some aspects.

Typicalization liberty. Parents have a strong right to move their future child closer, in expectation, to the median value of one or more traits.

Beneficent liberty. Parents have a strong right to make well-informed genomic choices that a reasonable person would agree are aimed at giving their child a life of wellbeing.

Altruistic liberty. Parents have a strong right to make well-informed genomic choices that a reasonable person would agree are aimed at giving their child a life that would contribute to the wellbeing of others.

The remainder of the article expands on this summary.

My hope is to start a conversation in which we seriously envision this coming world and think about how to make it a good one.

Statement of the principle

To restate the principle of genomic liberty a bit more precisely:

Human parents have the natural right—a negative right against infringement on liberty by the state and society—to freely choose the genomes of their human children, in whole or in some aspects.

The principle of genomic liberty isn't saying that any specific choices you might make about your child's genome are morally good or bad. Rather, genomic liberty is a political principle, like the principle of the freedom of speech. It says that parents are, by right, the primary decision-makers about the genomes of their own children. Therefore, states should ensure that parents have wide, protected latitude within the law to influence the genomes of their children, in whole or in some aspects, if they wish. Anomaly, Gyngell, and Savulescu (2020)[1] suggest applying "regulatory parsimony"[2] to the question of regulating genomic choices; to some extent this agrees in spirit with the regulatory stance mandated by the principle of genomic liberty.

(For more elaboration on the nature of the principle, see the appendix "Genomic liberty is a political principle".)

Like any principle, genomic liberty is not simple and absolute. It competes with other principles and practicalities, and therefore it has exceptions which have to be carved out. In order to be strongly upheld as a right, genomic liberty should be protected by clarifying and codifying its concrete instances. That is the aim of the rest of this article.


I know next to nothing about law and public policy. So this article is speculation from a layman's perspective, and might therefore contain obvious blunders. I am out of my depth, here; and I've felt conflicted about several of the points proposed here. My opinions will change.

My hope with this proposal is to nucleate discussion and eventually lead to better thought-out policies. This proposal only even attempts to partially address one element—the overarching public policy principles—out of many elements of a good future societal stance towards germline engineering.

This article is not mainly meant to make the case for genomic liberty, and does not present an overall argument. It is mainly meant to present a proposal for what the principle of genomic liberty should mean in the first place. I do make some arguments, mainly in order to explain why this proposal is specifically the way it is, rather than being some other similar proposal.

This article is produced by precautionary foresight about a technology and societal situation that does not exist yet. Therefore, it is not well-grounded in empirical observation of the outcomes in question or in the practicalities of law and law enforcement. Also, it will focus on difficult and in many cases somewhat alarming scenarios, in order to deal with them; but remember that, by and large, the technology will be greatly beneficial to the great majority of users making free, reasonable enough choices.

Analogy: First Amendment rights

Consider, for comparison, the principle of the freedom of thought. This principle is codified in the First Amendment of the US constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances[3].

The throughline of the First Amendment rights is freedom of thought. James Madison, in his address to the House of Representatives introducing a draft Bill of Rights, even suggested as part of religious protections the further protection for moral beliefs in general: "[...], nor shall the full and equal rights of conscience be in any manner, or on any pretext infringed."[4].

Although freedom of thought is a cherished keystone of free and open societies, it is far from absolute. Many people take quite strong stances defending freedom of speech, but nevertheless, almost everyone agrees that some kinds of speech should be prohibited. (Of course, there is disagreement about where to draw the line between protected and unprotected speech.)

Here's a schematic depicting this situation. The light blue oval is freedom of thought, which is protected under the First Amendment. The red ovals are some of the exceptions to freedom of thought.

The text of the First Amendment lists several rights: to religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. Why list all these rights, instead of just a single right? Maybe the First Amendment could have read simply:

Congress shall make no law prohibiting or abridging the free exercise of thought, whether by individuals or groups.

Madison explains why there are rights being explicitly declared at all:

In the declaration of rights which [Great-Britain] has established, the truth is, they have gone no farther, than to raise a barrier against the power of the crown; the power of the legislature is left altogether indefinite. Altho’ I know whenever the great rights, the trial by jury, freedom of the press, or liberty of conscience, came in question in that body, the invasion of them is resisted by able advocates, yet their Magna Charta does not contain any one provision for the security of those rights, respecting which, the people of America are most alarmed. The freedom of the press and rights of conscience, those choicest privileges of the people, are unguarded in the British constitution.

The rising and falling tides of legislative sentiment will probe the inlets to our rights. The precious rights therefore have to be defended most strongly in those places. Freedom of thought may have been a leitmotif in the American spirit, but to be a strong right, it needed to be codified as more concrete tentpole freedoms:

These tentpole principles, enumerated in the First Amendment, are more narrow than a broad freedom of thought, but they are more clear and more strong. They are placed strategically where there may be a motive from legislators to restrict freedoms, and they protect some of the most important aspects of freedom of thought.

Exceptions to the genomic liberty principle

As with the First Amendment, genomic liberty will have exceptions. The existence of exceptions is compatible with the principle being strong. Part of clarifying the strong core of genomic liberty is the task of circumscribing it by explicitly accepting limitations on its purview of protection. What remains unexcepted is the core domain of the GL principle, which is to be strongly upheld and applied to prevent inappropriate regulation.

The following list gives some recognized exceptions to genomic liberty. These genomic choices can be banned without inappropriately contravening the genomic liberty principle.

Summary of exceptions

A schematic summary of the exceptions:

Elaboration on the list of exceptions:

Prospectively very unsafe

Potentially regulatable: Genomic choices that are clearly prospectively very unsafe.

  • Example: Traits far outside the human envelope of variation. For example, if a man grew to be 10 feet tall, he would be very ill and he would die.
  • Example: Extreme traits with extremely bad effects. For example, making someone with an extremely high risk of schizophrenia and major depression.
  • Example: Large alterations with no empirical validation that they are safe. For example, making a genome with many alleles that do not appear in any other humans.

Substantively impinging on humanity

Potentially regulatable: Genomic choices that remove a core aspect of human nature.

  • These might for example be banned in order to preserve human dignity.
  • What exactly a core aspect of human nature is would be a difficult question to answer, but some examples: emotions (fear, guilt, love), dependence on other people, language, consciousness and self-awareness, moral conscience, a sense of fun and play, curiosity, empathy, memory.

Extreme negative externalities

Potentially regulatable: Genomic choices with extreme negative externalities on other citizens.

  • Example: It would plausibly be acceptable to ban parents from making a child who is (1 in a billion) on disagreeableness and (1 in 600) on unconscientiousness. Such a child would stand a high chance of exhibiting extreme psychopathy[5].
  • Counterexample: Parents should, given good information, be able to choose to have a child who is (1 in 40) on disagreeableness and (1 in 6) on unconscientiousness. (That personality profile might be enriched with creative genius, so this might be a practical question.) Although that child might have difficulties caused by that genomic choice, some of which affect others, this does not constitute nearly enough of a clear, probable, large externality to justify abridging GL.
  • Counterexample: A blind couple might genomically choose to have a blind child. This choice might have some modest externalities, e.g. the blind child might need some government assistance at some point. But this possible externality is not remotely enough to overcome the protection of the genomic liberty principle.

Nonconsensual DNA use

Potentially regulatable: Nonconsensual use of someone's DNA.

  • DNA sequencing and genomic engineering technology could technically enable parents to have a child with a genome that is identical with, or substantially overlaps with, the genome of a third party, perhaps even without ever coming into contact with the third party. This would violate the consent of the third party; their exact genome might be considered their property.
  • For example, cloning someone without their permission could legitimately be prohibited.
  • If this is regulated, then there's a need for clarity on what this exception means exactly. How much shared DNA is allowed vs. disallowed? How does it depend on the parents's genomes?
    • In particular, the genomic liberty principle says that cloning oneself can't be prohibited.
    • Suppose that some extremely rare genetic variant is found to protect against some disease. It does not seem reasonable to prohibit copying the information in that genetic variant.

Severely non compos mentis

Potentially regulatable: Genomic alterations chosen by parents who are severely non compos mentis.

  • There might be parents who are severely cognitively disabled, to the point where they cannot reasonably judge what traits to give their children. It could be acceptable to somehow regulate which genomic choices these parents are allowed to make.
  • These parents have a right to have children. This right is separate from genomic liberty, and is already upheld in law, social consensus, and moral understanding.
  • This exception is fraught because the state can't necessarily be relied upon to appropriately judge who is or isn't compos mentis. Therefore, this exception only applies to cases that meet a very high standard of confidence and of severity.
  • Instead of restricting genomic choice, it would be preferable to transfer the authority to make genomic choices to the caretakers of the severely non compos mentis parents. Then the rights protected by genomic liberty would be protected as rights of the caretakers.

Permanent silencing

Potentially regulatable: Genomic choices that would severely permanently impair the child's ability to communicate their state of mind.

  • For example, it could be acceptable to ban genomic choices that would make a future child supranormally obedient, to the point where they are very literally incapable of communicating something they have not been told to communicate. Likewise for choices that would severely impair a future child's ability to understand and use language, or ability to introspect.
  • It would be acceptable to ban genomic choices that would, with high probability, make a child who is insufficiently compos mentis to coherently understand or communicate their state of mind, e.g. because they are permanently, untreatably, severely schizophrenic or catatonic.
  • The reason for this exception is that, if a child's ability to communicate their state of mind is severely impaired, then they can't give testimony about their wishes and well-being.
    • Without that testimony, there may be no reliable way to clearly understand if something very bad is happening for them in their life.
    • A premise of genomic liberty is that when parents make genomic choices about their children, those children will grow up and testify their judgements about their parents's choices. That testimony will allow society to steer toward a general wellbeing for individuals, while allowing for the judgement of wellbeing to be inchoate, diverse, and invested in separate individuals each of whom has a protected voice (freedom of speech and genomic liberty). In other words, if many children who were given some trait say that they would strongly prefer that they hadn't had that trait, then parents, professional self-regulatory organizations, society at large, and potentially the state can take that information into account when dealing with future genomic choices, hopefully in a way that avoids illbeing.
    • Severe permanent impairments to communication and introspection would cut off the flow of testimony, and would break the premise that society will in the long run steer away from illbeing as judged by first-hand testimony.
  • Counterexample:
    • Suppose that some parents choose to predispose their future child towards somewhat low conscientiousness, fairly high openness, and somewhat low agreeableness. They might, for example, wish to give their child an increased capacity for artistic achievement, and they might believe (maybe incorrectly) that this personality profile would have that consequence.
    • But this personality profile might hypothetically also substantially increase the risk of the child having bipolar disorder. If the child has severe bipolar disorder, they may at some points have severely impaired communication.
    • While this outcome would of course be a strong cause for alarm and might warrant some additional prohibitions on other grounds, it would not fall under the present exception for severe permanent impairment of communication. In this scenario, the child (or the adult they become) would most of the time be able to reflect on their general experience, wellbeing, and needs; make judgements about their life; and communicate those judgements as testimony to others. This testimony would be sufficient to enable society to make informed judgements about what regulation might be truly necessary regarding genomic choices such as this personality profile.
  • Counterexample:
    • Suppose a couple of autistic parents wish to have an autistic child. If they do so, the child has a substantial chance of always having substantive difficulties communicating their mental state in some large category of situations.
    • However, assuming the child is otherwise reasonably compos mentis, the child will be able to communicate in some other large category of situations (e.g. with the parents). The impairment, if there is any, would therefore be very unlikely to be so severe that the child's potential testimony is lost. Since restricting this genomic choice would infringe on propagative liberty, and doesn't meet the criteria for the exception about permanent silencing, such a restriction isn't allowed by GL.

Additional notes on these exceptions

  • Each of these exceptions says that some laws could be made to restrict specific categories of genomic choices, without violating genomic liberty. But for each exception, it might be unnecessary to actually make any laws that restrict those choices. In some cases, no parents would actually ever make such terrible choices; in many cases, professional norms would prevent reproductive clinics from fulfilling those choices.
  • It might be inadvisable to prospectively legislate too many restrictions on genomic choices. A more "wait and see" approach would accord with the principle of regulatory parsimony[2:1][1:1].
  • This is not an exhaustive list. Some genomic choices not mentioned in this list might empirically be found to have a truly unacceptable outcome, e.g. extreme suffering for the child, some other trait that children reliably come to view as a great harm to them, or some other truly abhorrent result. Those genomic choices might have to be regulated, even if they had not already been recognized as an exception to genomic liberty. We might later find a need for further categories of exceptions; e.g. we might need to specifically prohibit any genomic choices specifically aimed at causing illbeing for a child (e.g. if some parents believe that more suffering is good because it builds character). Like any principle relating to law, genomic liberty will have to accommodate this.

Tentpole principles of genomic liberty

Genomic liberty as a principle of lawmaking will be pushed against: people will try to make laws that restrict genomic choices. Some of those attempts will fall within appropriate exceptions to GL; some of those attempts will be inappropriate, and will have to be combated if the principle of genomic liberty is to be upheld.

The specific protections listed in the First Amendment uphold crucial elements of the general right to freedom of thought. Analogously, in order to weather legislative pushes appropriately, we will shore up genomic liberty with tentpole principles. As is the case with the First Amendment protections, these tentpole protected liberties are not exceptionless; but they are especially strong protections which would require very good reason to encroach upon.

A schematic summary of the tentpole principles that hold up general genomic liberty:

Elaboration on the list of tentpole principles:

Non-intervention liberty

Parents have a very strong right to not genomically intervene on their child, in whole or in any aspect.

  • In other words, there can be no regulations that require the use of germline engineering to actively alter a future child's genome at all, or in any specific aspect. Parents have a strong right to not use genomic engineering technology, and if they do use it then they have a strong right to not alter any given trait.
  • This right may become quite contentious.
    • The use of germline genomic engineering technology will become widespread, institutionally accepted, socially approved, and demonstrably safe.
    • When that happens, there may be many who view it as abhorrent for parents to have children with a substantial risk of a substantively harmful disease, when the parents could have prevented most of that risk using genomic engineering.
    • On the other hand, there may also be many people who view germline genomic engineering as abhorrent, or in any case who do not wish to use it. For example, people with a religious belief that embryos qualify as human life with sacred protections would not accept using technology that involves creating and destroying many embryos. Those same people might feel a religious obligation to have children.
    • There would then be a conflict between the group that says "If you have children, you must use germline engineering to prevent this terrible disease!" and the group that says "We will have children, and we will not use germline engineering.".
  • In order to fashion a political compromise that ought to be agreeable to our society, my belief is that parents must have a strongly protected right to not genomically intervene.
  • There is one case where I would consider an exception to non-intervention liberty: traits which severely permanently impair the child’s ability to communicate their state of mind.
    • I am not sure what to think.
    • On the one hand, it is an extreme and dangerous encroachment on genomic liberty to mandate any genomic alteration. There will be an agreement between those who view germline genomic engineering as abhorrent, and those who wish to use it: If the technology is developed anyway, then at the very barest minimum, the group that's against the technology is guaranteed to never be forced to use it. Any encroachment on non-intervention liberty would betray that agreement.
    • On the other hand, it is unthinkable to make a child who may be suffering and who will never be able to communicate that they suffer. If nothing else, any child in any condition must be able to say to the world, if they judge it so: "My parents made the wrong choice—the choice to not use germline engineering—and instead my condition should have been prevented; I plead that you don't make the same mistake with your child.".
    • (Hopefully, cases where this would happen and parents wouldn't freely choose to prevent it will be exceedingly rare.)
    • Perhaps the answer is: Do not make an exception, even in this case; uphold the liberty to not intervene. In the long run, the benefit of germline engineering will become so apparent that more or less everyone will freely choose to use it, at least to prevent these extreme cases.

Propagative liberty

Parents have a strong right to propagate their own genes and their own traits, in whole or in some aspects.

  • For example, self-cloning is protected by this right.
  • Propagative liberty would apply to all parents of a child, i.e. if any parent has a trait, they can choose to predispose their child to have that trait.
  • For example, parents who have traits that they view as important to their being have the right to give their children those traits.
    • Deaf parents have the right to genomically choose to make their children deaf.
    • Hearing parents have the right to genomically choose to make their children hearing.
    • This formula applies for more or less any trait, e.g. {blind, sighted, autistic, neurotypical, trans, cis, homosexual, heterosexual, asexual, bisexual, politically conservative, politically liberal, God-fearing, atheistic, ADHD, dyslexic, agreeable, disagreeable, introverted, extroverted, dwarf}.
    • An exception is traits that render a would-be parent severely non compos mentis.
  • A central reason for propagative liberty is to ensure that no group of people is erased against their will by legal restrictions on their right to renew themselves. Some groups of people might be especially vulnerable due to being further marginalized as many other parents choose to make their future children not be a member of the group; e.g. there might be a lower proportion of deaf people when germline engineering becomes widespread. In order to make a world with germline engineering that is not truly unacceptable to such groups, their right to at least renew themselves through self-propagation has to be protected.

Typicalization liberty

Parents have a strong right to move their future child closer, in expectation, to the median value of one or more traits.

  • The reason that typicalization liberty is a tentpole principle is simply that it is substantially harder to argue for major problems resulting from most uses of typicalization:
    • In a straightforward sense, typicalization decreases inequality.
    • In almost all cases, it is quite unlikely that a parent has an atypical trait and they are fine, but if they made their future child be closer to the median on that trait, then that would be catastrophically bad for the child. For example, generally the disease condition is atypical and the non-disease condition is typical.
    • It's much less likely that a more typical trait is burning some commons, compared to a less typical trait. For example, if parents who are taller than the median choose to make their son even taller, then they could be said to be burning some commons; but if they choose to have a shorter son, or if a shorter than median couple chooses to have a somewhat taller son, this doesn't burn commons. Most people are in most respects fairly typical, and generally, society is doing ok given that state of affairs. (There might of course be a more mild decrease of wellbeing from typicalization, e.g. if the parent is exceptionally healthy in some aspect.)
    • (This certainly does not mean that it is moral or advisable to make your child more typical. I think it would be undesirable for very many parents to do that for its own sake—but nonetheless that would be protected from state regulation.)
  • In particular, typicalization liberty partially fortifies against attempts to prohibit genomic choices on the grounds that they are "enhancements".
    • For example, genomic choices aimed at increasing a child's intelligence might be legislated against on the grounds that it is "enhancement". But imagine a couple with genomes that, without germline engineering, would give their child a genomic predisposition to have an IQ of 85 on average. This couple might wish to increase that disposition to an IQ of 95. It seems difficult to seriously argue that this is dangerous for first-order reasons just because it falls under the category of "enhancement"; there's no supposed enhanced elite being synthesized, and inequality is being decreased. Intervening to prevent this couple from exercising their genomic liberty would be more transparently an oppressive attempt to protect cognitive privilege.
    • These choices would also be protected by beneficent liberty. But typicalization has a stronger protection, as it is especially perverse to outlaw benefiting your child in a way that makes the child closer to what is typical.

Beneficent liberty

Parents have a strong right to make well-informed genomic choices that a reasonable person would agree are aimed at giving their child a life of wellbeing.

  • For a genomic choice to be protected, it's sufficient for the reasonable person to think that the likely outcomes actually do include wellbeing for the child. It's also separately sufficient for the reasonable person to think that the parents genuinely believe, after well-informed reflection, that their choices would give their child wellbeing.
  • Beneficent liberty protects, for example, many genomic choices called "enhancement". For example, it protects cognitive enhancement, such as increasing IQ, and it protects health enhancement, such as increasing lifespan well beyond what is typical. It also protects choices that could be argued to burn commons, e.g. making your child much more standardly attractive and thereby perhaps contributing to an unhealthy competition for superficial attractiveness.
  • Many cases will require more scientific understanding to decide well. For example, suppose we could give children a superhumanly low risk of cancer by giving them very many protective genetic variants. Since this trait would be well outside the human envelope of variation, it might be excepted from genomic liberty protections as being prospectively very unsafe. But if there's good reason to think that it is safe, then given the clear benefits to the child, this genomic choice might properly be protected by the stronger tentpole principle of beneficent liberty.
  • There is a strong case to be made that procreative beneficence is morally obligatory (in balance with other moral considerations)[6]. It would be perverse to outlaw behavior that is morally obligatory without an extremely good reason.

Altruistic liberty

Parents have a strong right to make well-informed genomic choices that a reasonable person would agree are aimed at giving their child a life that would contribute to the wellbeing of others.

  • Altruistic liberty is largely analogous to beneficent liberty. The comparable moral principle is procreative altruism[7].
  • For example, parents have a protected right to make genomic choices aimed at increasing the likelihood that their future child will contribute to important scientific advances.


Genomic liberty prevents the state from unduly restricting the freedom of parents to choose the genomes of their children. This principle will defend most people's values, while the exceptions leave room to prevent hypothetically possible extreme misuses of germline engineering technology. Thus society can get the diverse and widely distributed benefits of germline engineering, without unacceptable cost.

Appendix: Some clarifications of genomic liberty

Copying the fuller statement of the GL principle:

Human parents have the natural right—a negative right against infringement on liberty by the state and society—to freely choose the genomes of their human children, in whole or in some aspects.

Some clarifications:

  • GL is a negative right: it stands against infringement by the state or society upon the freedom of parents. To be precise, GL is spiritually aligned with, but separate from, a corresponding positive right: The right to access to technology for altering your future child's genome.

  • GL is meant to defend strongly against infringement by the state, but only weakly against social pressure and against professional ethics.

    • GL directly opposes international agreements, national/federal regulations, and province/state regulations that infringe on core genomic liberty rights.
    • Self-regulatory organizations (such as the American Society for Reproductive Medicine) might regulate germline engineering. Genomic liberty, as a political principle about regulation, would not directly speak to this sort of regulation.
    • In spirit, though, GL reflects an attitude that would strongly push for a tentatively very permissive stance, even in terms of social and professional self-regulation.
  • GL does not apply to non-human entities.

    • In particular, it does not apply to states making children. If states compel parents to use germline engineering technology, that's a straightforward egregious violation of genomic liberty; but if states themselves make children, this is outside the purview of GL.
    • Certainly, GL does not protect the right of a state to make any genomic choices.
    • Therefore there's no need for an exception from genomic liberty to regulate a state's use of germline engineering. International bodies can restrict state use of germline engineering as much as they want, as far as GL is concerned, e.g. to prevent a state from making "supersoldiers".
  • By default, GL protects genomic choices that others would consider distasteful, immoral, or even anti-social.

    • For example, choosing to make your male child very tall is a kind of burning of the commons: Perhaps he'll be more successful himself, but if everyone does this, no one is better off and everyone is less healthy. GL says this must not be prohibited by the state.

    • However, it might be correct to socially disapprove of that sort of choice. Further, self-regulatory organizations might put soft restrictions in place, e.g. requiring waiting periods, specific information being delivered to the parents, etc., to dissuade them from making choices that many perceive to be anti-social. This might be problematic in itself, but in any case it is not in the purview of GL.

    • For example, the moral principle of procreative beneficence as proposed by Savulescu says that "couples who decide to have a child have a significant moral reason to select the child who, given his or her genetic endowment, can be expected to enjoy the most well-being"[6:1]. I subscribe to this moral principle. However, GL would oppose this principle being codified into law as a legal obligation for parents to make specific genomic choices. A major issue with doing so is that "well-being" is hard to define, and more importantly people might have genuine differences in their vision of a good life for their children.

    • Another moral principle for genomic choices is procreative altruism "according to which parents have significant moral reason to select a child whose existence can be expected to contribute more to (or detract less from) the well-being of others than any alternative child they could have"[7:1]. Again, this is a true moral principle, but, according to the GL, should not be made into law.

    • Regarding synthetic biology in general, Gutmann (2011) suggests "regulatory parsimony"[2:2]. Anomaly, Gyngell, and Savulescu (2020), in discussing collective action problems with genomic choices, suggest applying regulatory parsimony: instead of complex regulation that gives an unclear benefit and restricts parental freedom, we can address collective action problems with social norms[1:2]. This agrees with the genomic liberty principle: There may be some harms to society due to externalities of genomic choices, but these genomic choices should not be made illegal until there's a quite strong reason to do so.

  • The GL principle does not protect any specific germline engineering technology or method.

    • For example, if CRISPR-editing a growing fetus is unsafe (probably it is), then the state can prohibit that.
    • However, heavy restriction of germline engineering technology without sufficient reason would constitute an infringement of genomic liberty.
  • GL does protect atypical family structures.

    • Some couples can't reproduce naturally, e.g. couples with infertility, homosexual couples, and some trans and intersex couples. GL says that such a couple has a right, protected from infringement by the state, to have genetic children. (This could be accomplished by future frontier reproductive technology, e.g. in vitro gametogenesis and artificial wombs.)
    • GL says that a single parent has a right to have a genetic child, e.g. a clone or an edited clone. (Germline engineering methods using selection would by default be unsafe for a single parent without donor DNA because they would create excess homozygosity.)
    • GL says that a group of more than two people has a right to make a child by combining their DNA (or DNA of consenting donors). For example, mitochondrial replacement therapy (a.k.a. three-parent babies) or chromosome selection from several parents or donors would be protected.
  • GL only applies to human DNA.

    • Parents can choose the genomes of their children, as long as the child is then unambiguously and entirely human. In particular, GL does not protect giving the child transgenic DNA (from another species) or novel DNA (that no other human has).
    • This limitation of GL does not imply that transgenic or novel alterations should be forever banned. Perhaps there are some such alterations that are highly beneficial, provably safe, and not degrading to human dignity; they should probably eventually be allowed and supported.
    • But that is a question for later and is outside GL's purview, which is restricted to forming a political policy that can support the basic benefits from germline engineering technology of health, longevity, and capacity for humans.
  • Generally, like any right, GL is a living entity, open to revision, and is not absolute.

    • For example, if some people use germline engineering technology to alter their child's DNA in a way that results in some outcome that's truly unacceptable, states should and will prohibit that use.
    • I feel that genomic liberty as described in this article is quite far from well-understood. I expect there to be more exceptions, more tentpole principles, more relevant social, moral, and scientific understanding, and other clarifications.
    • An example question:
      • Propagative liberty strongly protects the right of homosexual couples to predispose their child to be homosexual, and of heterosexual couples to predispose their child to be heterosexual. I like the principle of propagative liberty as a strong support for genomic liberty: It's quite difficult to argue that parents should be prohibited from passing on their own traits. Typicalization liberty would say that homosexual parents could predispose their child to be heterosexual.
      • But there's no strong protection for heterosexual couples to predispose their child to be homosexual. There's no recognized exception to genomic liberty for this case, and it would be safe; so if genomic liberty is properly upheld, then this case is protected. But should there be another tentpole principle that more strongly protects this choice? More generally, is there some specially protected right to "hop groups"?
      • A possible quasi-generalization of propagative and typicalization liberty would be something like: Any trait that's well within the human envelope can be chosen. This is a sort of protection for choosing within the "shrunken convex hull" of humanity. This principle wouldn't fully contain or be fully contained in any of the other tentpole principles. Also, it would be more cosmopolitan than typicalization liberty, while still capturing most of the spirit. The "shrunken convex hull" principle and typicalization liberty could be unified: There would be strong protection for the right to move your child from where you (as a couple) are, towards the shrunken convex hull of humanity (i.e. to any point in the convex hull formed from you plus the shrunken hull).
    • There probably are many problematic cases I haven't considered. For example, should parents have a protected right to genomically choose to delay puberty? Or on the other hand, should this be excepted from protection and recognized as regulatable? Generally, there are probably a lot of traits that are both in some sense nearly universal in humans, but that have some degree of variation and therefore could be significantly altered genomically. Some but not all of these would be excepted from GL protection by the "no impinging on core human traits" exception.

Appendix: Genomic liberty is a political principle


The principle of genomic liberty is a proposed political policy. As a moral stance, it asserts: The moral cost of curtailing reproductive genomic autonomy is very high, so most uses of germline engineering should not be prohibited by the state. A political consensus to adopt this principle will allow us to get the great benefits of germline engineering without the state infringing on reproductive genomic autonomy.

Elaboration in the following subsections:

Genomic liberty is not a moral stance on specific uses of GE


Genomic liberty is primarily a political principle, not a moral one. It says that, as a society, we should legally protect the right of parents to make determinations about their child's genome. It does not especially recommend that anyone should treat all possible genomic choices as equally moral, advisable, or socially acceptable.


If I adopt the genomic liberty principle, then, for example, that means I must advocate for the legal right of deaf parents to alter the genome of their potential child so that the child will likely be deaf. And, I must give a minimum of social acceptance to such parents: I cannot discriminate against them in public business transactions, or coordinate social harassment to push them out of communities.

However, I can still hold the moral position that deaf parents ought not to do so. Perhaps I believe making your child deaf is immoral, on the grounds that you ought to give your child as much capacity as is feasible, or on the grounds that the child didn't consent to that atypical alteration. I can argue for that moral position, and express disapproval of people's behavior, while still upholding the political principle of genomic liberty. (In fact, personally, I'm quite undecided on the moral question, but I am decided that this choice should be a protected right.)

Of course, a political stance has to be a moral stance, to some degree. To support the genomic liberty principle is also to make a moral assertion:

For the great majority of ways people will use germline engineering, that use will be not so morally abhorrent that we should use state force to prevent that use, given the high moral cost of curtailing reproductive genomic autonomy.

Political principles support civil compromise


The point of political principles isn't to legislate what's moral, but rather just to legislate legislation. The point of legislation is to make an acceptable compromise that we can agree on. An acceptable compromise should let us interface with fellow citizens at least well enough for basic civil coexistence, and should not produce truly abhorrent outcomes that would reasonably demand harmful unlawful actions to prevent. We don't have to like what other people do; we just have to make enough laws that we can fruitfully live together without violence.


Needless to say, if we think some behavior is moral or immoral, that influences which laws we can and do make about the behavior, and influences which behavior we socially punish. People who believe abortion is immoral will support more restrictions on abortion, and will advocate against political candidates who support abortion rights. Murdering already-born people is very widely agreed to be highly immoral, and is therefore extra super illegal.

However, moral stances do not and should not always translate into legal regulation. There are many forms of speech that many find abhorrent, such as expressing Nazi ideology. In 1977, two Jewish lawyers from the ACLU, a civil liberties organization, famously helped to legally defend a neo-Nazi group's right to hold public demonstrations. The legal protection is upheld even for abhorrent behavior.

Furthermore, attempting to enforce a moral view through coordinated extra-judicial violence should be viewed as an extremely unacceptable breach of civil norms, even beyond being straightforwardly illegal. In order to maintain basic order, the government has a monopoly on initiating violence. The government does abuse this power, and this betrayal is extremely corrosive; but the government monopoly on initiating violence is crucial. Vigilante justice, mob violence, and coordinated illegal harassment are another betrayal of basic civil order. Such extra-judicial violence is politically and morally motivated: no one is staging illegally violent protests in order to legalize murdering already-born people, because approximately no one believes that murder is morally or socially acceptable.

Legal principles are supposed to be how we achieve a basic coordination, so that individuals and groups can live together in a country, freely and without unduly destructive conflict. Assaulting legal abortion clinics, doctors, and patients is unacceptable; political riots that destroy and disrupt public property are unacceptable; SWATing ideological Nazis is unacceptable; harassing sex workers is unacceptable. Get the law changed, or restrict yourself to non-violent opposition.

Actions that harm others are much more heavily regulated compared to actions that only harm yourself. Consuming consensually-produced pornography is legal, suicide is legal, alcohol addiction is legal. All of these are to one or another extent self-harming, and in many cases immoral, but they generally don't materially harm others enough to justify per se legal regulation.

So generally, the point of law, flowing from political policy, is a peaceful enough coexistence through resolution of conflicts with sufficient justice for all parties.

Genomic liberty as a proposed civil compromise


Many people will have various objections to different ways that parents might wish to alter their child's genome. However, the genomic liberty principle states that these objections should, for the most part, not become law. Broad genomic liberty should be an acceptable compromise: it protects individual reproductive autonomy, while leaving room for prohibition of exceptionally harmful uses.


The use of human germline genomic engineering technology will be contentious. Many will strongly oppose using it at all. Many others will oppose any permission from the state to alter genomes. Many will strongly oppose some of its uses, e.g. parents altering their child's IQ or parents predisposing their child to dwarfism.

On the other hand, many will oppose any influence on people's reproduction from the state, as that would overlap in intention and in practice with harmful eugenic policies. Many will strongly oppose specific restrictions on the use of germline engineering. For example, some fraction of gay people might strongly wish to predispose their own child to also be gay. Some fraction of Christian people might strongly wish to predispose their own child to remain Christian through adulthood. Many such groups would have reason to oppose restrictions on their ability to propagate.

The benefits of germline engineering will be straightforwardly awesome: halfway to the end of all disease, long lives for our children, and a great flowering of many diverse human capacities. To get these benefits, we need a political policy about germline engineering that most people find acceptable.

If there were a political policy that had the state substantially infringing on people's reproductive genomic choices, that political policy would be a poor compromise. If there were lots of people who would want to choose aspects of their children's genomes, but who can't because of state regulation, those people would have reason to strongly object to the policy. Thus, the principle of genomic liberty is meant to be a central aspect of a broadly acceptable compromise policy.

  1. Anomaly, Jonathan, Christopher Gyngell, and Julian Savulescu. ‘Great Minds Think Different: Preserving Cognitive Diversity in an Age of Gene Editing’. Bioethics 34, no. 1 (January 2020): 81–89. https://doi.org/10.1111/bioe.12585. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  2. Gutmann, Amy. ‘The Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Guiding Principles for Emerging Technologies’. Hastings Center Report 41, no. 4 (2011): 17–22. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1552-146X.2011.tb00118.x. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. ‘U.S. Constitution - First Amendment | Resources | Constitution Annotated | Congress.Gov | Library of Congress’. Accessed 16 March 2025. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/. ↩︎

  4. ‘Founders Online: Amendments to the Constitution, [8 June] 1789’. University of Virginia Press. Accessed 16 March 2025. http://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-12-02-0126. ↩︎

  5. Miller, Joshua D., and Donald R. Lynam. ‘Understanding Psychopathy Using the Basic Elements of Personality’. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 9, no. 5 (2015): 223–37. https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12170. ↩︎

  6. Savulescu, Julian, and Guy Kahane. ‘The Moral Obligation To Create Children With The Best Chance Of The Best Life’. Bioethics 23, no. 5 (June 2009): 274–90. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8519.2008.00687.x. ↩︎ ↩︎

  7. Douglas, Thomas, and Katrien Devolder. ‘Procreative Altruism: Beyond Individualism in Reproductive Selection’. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 38, no. 4 (1 August 2013): 400–419. https://doi.org/10.1093/jmp/jht022. ↩︎ ↩︎

Anomaly, Jonathan, Christopher Gyngell, and Julian Savulescu. ‘Great Minds Think Different: Preserving Cognitive Diversity in an Age of Gene Editing’. Bioethics 34, no. 1 (January 2020): 81–89. https://doi.org/10.1111/bioe.12585. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

Gutmann, Amy. ‘The Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Guiding Principles for Emerging Technologies’. Hastings Center Report 41, no. 4 (2011): 17–22. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1552-146X.2011.tb00118.x. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

‘U.S. Constitution - First Amendment | Resources | Constitution Annotated | Congress.Gov | Library of Congress’. Accessed 16 March 2025. https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-1/. ↩︎

‘Founders Online: Amendments to the Constitution, [8 June] 1789’. University of Virginia Press. Accessed 16 March 2025. http://founders.archives.gov/documents/Madison/01-12-02-0126. ↩︎

Miller, Joshua D., and Donald R. Lynam. ‘Understanding Psychopathy Using the Basic Elements of Personality’. Social and Personality Psychology Compass 9, no. 5 (2015): 223–37. https://doi.org/10.1111/spc3.12170. ↩︎

Gutmann, Amy. ‘The Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Guiding Principles for Emerging Technologies’. Hastings Center Report 41, no. 4 (2011): 17–22. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1552-146X.2011.tb00118.x. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

Anomaly, Jonathan, Christopher Gyngell, and Julian Savulescu. ‘Great Minds Think Different: Preserving Cognitive Diversity in an Age of Gene Editing’. Bioethics 34, no. 1 (January 2020): 81–89. https://doi.org/10.1111/bioe.12585. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

Savulescu, Julian, and Guy Kahane. ‘The Moral Obligation To Create Children With The Best Chance Of The Best Life’. Bioethics 23, no. 5 (June 2009): 274–90. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8519.2008.00687.x. ↩︎ ↩︎

Douglas, Thomas, and Katrien Devolder. ‘Procreative Altruism: Beyond Individualism in Reproductive Selection’. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 38, no. 4 (1 August 2013): 400–419. https://doi.org/10.1093/jmp/jht022. ↩︎ ↩︎

Savulescu, Julian, and Guy Kahane. ‘The Moral Obligation To Create Children With The Best Chance Of The Best Life’. Bioethics 23, no. 5 (June 2009): 274–90. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8519.2008.00687.x. ↩︎ ↩︎

Douglas, Thomas, and Katrien Devolder. ‘Procreative Altruism: Beyond Individualism in Reproductive Selection’. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy: A Forum for Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine 38, no. 4 (1 August 2013): 400–419. https://doi.org/10.1093/jmp/jht022. ↩︎ ↩︎

Gutmann, Amy. ‘The Ethics of Synthetic Biology: Guiding Principles for Emerging Technologies’. Hastings Center Report 41, no. 4 (2011): 17–22. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.1552-146X.2011.tb00118.x. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

Anomaly, Jonathan, Christopher Gyngell, and Julian Savulescu. ‘Great Minds Think Different: Preserving Cognitive Diversity in an Age of Gene Editing’. Bioethics 34, no. 1 (January 2020): 81–89. https://doi.org/10.1111/bioe.12585. ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

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This is a thoughtful post, and I appreciate it. I don't think I disagree with it from a liberty perspective, and agree there are potential huge benefits for humanity here.

However, my honest first reaction is "this reasoning will be used to justify a world in which citizens of rich countries have substantially superior children to citizens of poor countries (as viewed by both groups)". These days, I'm much more suspicious of policies likely to be socially corrosive: it leads to bad governance at a time where, because of AI risk, we need excellent governance.

I'm sure you've thought about this question, it's the classic objection. Do you have any idea how to avoid or at least mitigate the inequality adopting genomic liberty would cause? Or do you think it wouldn't happen at all? Or do you think that it's simply worth it and natural that any new technology is first adopted by those who can afford it, and that adoption drives down prices and will spread the technology widely soon enough?

This seems like an argument that proves too much; ie, the same argument applies equally to childhood education programs, improving nutrition, etc. The main reason it doesn't work is that genetic engineering for health and intelligence is mostly positive-sum, not zero-sum. Ie, if people in one (rich) country use genetic engineering to make their descendents smarter and the people in another (poor) country don't, this seems pretty similar to what has already happened with rich countries investing in more education, which has been strongly positive for everyone.

this seems pretty similar to what has already happened with rich countries investing in more education, which has been strongly positive for everyone

While this is probably true in a first-order sense, and I'd say it's totally true (most likely),

  1. As a separate matter, I think many people don't think this way. Instead they view it as quite substantively bad for there to be inequality as such--even if everyone is better-off to first-order, if that involves increasing inequality by a lot, it could be net-worse than the alternative.
  2. At least hypothetically, they could be right about this! Inequality makes it easier for one group to exploit / betray / suppress / generally harm another group. If inequality increases, not in your favor, that increases the extent to which there exists a group who could decide to team up against you in the future, and do so successfully. Further, if the derivative has them pulling ahead, that's some indication that this will continue, which would increase the potential for betrayal; and it's some evidence (maybe weak) that the advantaged group intends to eventually betray (because they are not successfully preventing that possibility for themselves by actively sharing the technology).

Good objection. I think gene editing would be different because it would feel more unfair and insurmountable. That's probably not rational - the effect size would have to be huge for it to be bigger than existing differences in access to education and healthcare, which are not fair or really surmountable in most cases - but something about other people getting to make their kids "superior" off the bat, inherently, is more galling to our sensibilities. Or at least mine, but I think most people feel the same way.

this reasoning will be used to justify a world in which citizens of rich countries have substantially superior children to citizens of poor countries (as viewed by both groups)

I'm not quite sure I follow. Let me check. You might be saying:

Genomic liberty says that people should be free to make genomic choices, and that states should regulate this only minimally, and in particular that international governance shouldn't prevent states from using germline engineering.

Or maybe you're saying:

Spiritually, genomic liberty is individualistic / localistic; it says that if some individual or group or even state (at a policy level, as a large group of individuals) wants to use germline engineering technology, it is good for them to do so, regardless of whether others are using it. Thus, it justifies unequal access, saying that a world with unequal access is still a good world.

To be kinda precise and narrow, the narrow meaning of genomic liberty as a negative right doesn't say it's good or even ok to have worlds with unequal access. As a moral claim, it more narrowly says

For the great majority of ways people will use germline engineering, that use will be not so morally abhorrent that we should use state force to prevent that use, given the high moral cost of curtailing reproductive genomic autonomy.

This does say something about the unequal world--namely that it's "not so morally abhorrent that we should [have international regulation backed by the threat of war] to prevent that use". I don't think that's a ringing endorsement.

I'm sure you've thought about this question, it's the classic objection.

To be honest, mainly I've thought about inequality within single economic and jurisdictional regimes. (I think that objection is more common than the international version.) I'm not even sure how to orient to international questions--practically, morally, and conceptually. Probably I'd want to have at least a tiny bit of knowledge about other international relations (conflicts, law, treaties, cooperative projects, aid, long-term development) before thinking about this much. I'm unclear on the ethics of one country doing something that doesn't harm other countries in any direct way, and even directly helps other coutries at least on first-order; but also doesn't offer that capability to other countries especially vigorously.

Certainly, personally, I take a humanist and universalist stance: It is good for all people to be empowered; it is bad for some group to try to have some enduring advantage over others by harming or suppressing the others or even by permanently withholding information that would help them.

It does seem good to think about the international question. I'm unsure whether it should ultimately be a crux, though.

I do think it's better if germline engineering is developed in the US before, say, Russia, because the US will work out the liberal version, and will be likely to be generous with the technology in the long-run.

Or do you think it wouldn't happen at all?

It would almost certainly happen to a significant extent.

Or do you think that it's simply worth it and natural that any new technology is first adopted by those who can afford it, and that adoption drives down prices and will spread the technology widely soon enough?

Right, this is a big part of what I hope, and somewhat expect, and want to aim for. I am however curious to hear examples of technologies that

  1. Did have some innovation curve, but stalled out;
  2. Or generally ended up benefiting only some small portion of people or countries;
  3. And really ought to have been the sort of thing that did end up benefiting everyone.

(So, "superyachts" doesn't count, because obviously it's expensive to make a seaworthy building; "super complex medical treatment" may or may not count depending on what fundamental barriers there are to inexpensivizing and whether there even are that many people it would treat. One might have to have different expected curves for within- vs. between-countries. )

Do you have any idea how to avoid or at least mitigate the inequality adopting genomic liberty would cause?

So, to some extent we want to make the technology end up cheap and effective. A big part of this is looking for strong GV methods:

GV strength is generally interchangeable with cutting costs. Cutting costs is crucial for making GV technology widely available, in order to have the greatest benefit and to prevent problems with inequality.

Another part is spreading the ideology that everyone should have access. I think the US is a great starting place because we're a diverse country (ethnically, ideologically, culturally, religiously, and in terms of country of ancestors). So maybe developing the tech here binds it up with "all people should have this". Maybe I'm confused how culture works though, I'm just making this up, and of course very many people do not think this way. (To the extent that I personally push this tech forward, which realistically won't be very much in all likelihood, hopefully I'd also have some kind of voice.)

The ideology should get a separate treatment--genomic liberty but as a positive right--what I've been calling genomic emancipation.

Thanks for the detailed response!

Re: my meaning, you got it correct here:

Spiritually, genomic liberty is individualistic / localistic; it says that if some individual or group or even state (at a policy level, as a large group of individuals) wants to use germline engineering technology, it is good for them to do so, regardless of whether others are using it. Thus, it justifies unequal access, saying that a world with unequal access is still a good world.

Re: genomic liberty makes narrow claims, yes I agree, but my point is that if implemented it will lead to a world with unequal access for some substantial period of time, and that I expect this to be socially corrosive.


Switching to quoting your post and responding to those quotes:

To be honest, mainly I've thought about inequality within single economic and jurisdictional regimes. (I think that objection is more common than the international version.)

Yeah that's the common variant of the concern but I think it's less compelling - rich countries will likely be able to afford subsidizing gene editing for their citizens, and will be strongly incentivized to do so even if it's quite expensive. So my expectation is that the intra-country effects for rich countries won't be as bad as science fiction has generally predicted, but that the international effects will be.

(and my fear is this would play into general nationalizing trends worldwide that increase competition and make nation-states bitter towards each other, when we want international cooperation on AI)

I am however curious to hear examples of technologies that {snip}

My worry is mostly that the tech won't spread "soon enough" to avoid socially corrosive effects, less so that it will never spread. As for a tech that never fully spread but should have benefitted everyone, all that comes to mind is nuclear energy.

So maybe developing the tech here binds it up with "all people should have this".

I think this would happen, but it would be expressed mostly resentfully, not positively.

The ideology should get a separate treatment--genomic liberty but as a positive right--what I've been calling genomic emancipation.

Sounds interesting!

As for a tech that never fully spread but should have benefitted everyone, all that comes to mind is nuclear energy.

Thanks for the example. I think nuclear is a special case (though lots of cases are special in different ways): It takes a pretty large project to start up; and it comes with nuclear proliferation, which is freaky because of bombs.

I think this would happen, but it would be expressed mostly resentfully, not positively.

Wait, I'm confused; I thought we both think it's at least fairly likely to go well within the US, i.e. lots of people and diverse people have access. So then they can say "it is good, and we are happy about it and want it to be shared, or at least are not going to seriously impede that". (Call me pollyanna if you want lol, but that's kinda what I mainline expect I think?)

....Oh is this also referring to countries being resentful? Hm... Possibly I should be advocating for the technology to not be embargoed/withheld by the federal government (like some military technology is)?

Yeah referring to international sentiments. We'd want to avoid a "chip export controls" scenario, which would be tempting I think.

For chip exports, is this mainly a question of "other countries will have a harder time getting the very latest chip designs"? (I don't know anything about the chip export thing.) For germline engineering, I expect the technological situation to be significantly better for democratization, though not perfect. With chips, the manufacturing process is very complex and very concentrated in a couple companies; and designing chips is very complex; and this knowledge is siloed in commercial orgs. With germline engineering, most of the research is still happening in public academic research (though not all of it), and is happening in several different countries. There could definitely still be significant last-mile breakthroughs that get siloed in industry in one or a few countries, but I'd be pretty surprised if it was nearly as embargoable as chip stuff. E.g. if someone gets in vitro oogenesis, it might be because they figured out some clever sequence of signaling contexts to apply to a stem cell; but they'd probably be working with culture methods not too different from published stuff, and would be working off of published gene regulatory networks based on published scRNA-seq data, etc. Not sure though.

Other points:

  1. There are diminishing returns and a ceiling on gains. The ceiling is quite high, but it's there. You can only decrease disease risk to "roughly 0", and this probably happens with medium-strength engineering (vaguely speaking); longevity probably (I speculate) has some caps coming from aging processes that aren't fixed using genetic variants existing in the population; and IQ can't be safely pushed way outside the human range. This means that countries could get ahead, but probably not crazy-ahead, and in the long run it should be easier to catch up than to pull ahead farther. (Ok this isn't clear because maybe a head start on intelligence amplification snowballs or something.)

  2. Uptake will start slow. It will speed up when people see how good the results are. But that information will be available to roughly everyone at roughly the same time: everyone sees the exceptionally healthy, capable kids at the same time, wherever those kids were. So for the big ramp-up, part that would matter on a national-national scale, there's less of a head start. (There's still probably serial lead time for some elements, but who knows.)

  3. I do think there's significant risk of inequality between ancestry groups, which relates to states though not one to one. That's because there's quite large inequalities between how much genomic data has been collected for different groups (see e.g. here: https://gwasdiversitymonitor.com/, though this is about GWASes, not exactly genomic data). Current PGSes don't translate between groups very well. One way to address this is of course to gather more diverse data. (But the situation might not be so bad: plausibly once you more accurately identify which genetic variants are causal, your PGSes generalize between groups much better, or it takes much less additional data from the group to make scores that generalize.)

I think this post is pretty cool, and represents good groundwork on sticky questions of bioethics and the principles that should underpin them that most people don't think about very hard. Thanks for writing it.

I noticed that this focuses on the liberty of parents, and it is not a general framework for all genetic engineering

I don't think these liberties for parents should cleanly extend to non-germline gene engineering

In those cases we would expect these liberties to lie with the modified person

I think we can identify how this is an extension of the idea that parents are empowered to pre-emptively make decisions for their children that those children, once adult, should have the right to make for themselves (eg. as an adult you have rights to decide where to live, (insofar as this is limited by immigration law and by availiblity of jobs and housing), as a child your parents decide where you will live and be born) and the idea that people should have lots of power over themselves (including the right for significant body modification)

Ah, yeah, that's a good clarification. I definitely had in mind specifically altering future children, i.e. making a single cell with a vectored genome and then making a baby from that cell.

I haven't thought too much about somatic gene therapy. I think it's probably, from a technical side, mostly worse (less safe, less effective) than germline engineering. With germline engineering, you can make the genome of the future child be safe as a genome (e.g. basically indistinguishable from a natural genome); with somatic engineering you're doing some very weird thing that's not found in nature and that is hard to check the results of (e.g. CRISPR editor uptake would be different in different tissues). I mean it could be fine; but for germline engineering, you'll be able to make a nearly iron-clad argument that it's fine.

Your right that in principle somatic gene engineering is probably harder (especially once you consider the complexity of human maturation means that some things are hard to change)

I would not discount it, however

you have 15-20 years of time between germline engineering and an adult person, and in that time somatic engineering has time to catch up, and another 60-80 years after that if you are lucky before that person would die with current lifespans. In those 80-100 years, somatic engineering can catch up, and allow for revectoring 

I am fairly certain that it is likely that people will be doing both. If you really bottle germline, but get a functional result with something unacceptable like 20 year fatal cancer risks at 70-90% (unlikely but possible), somatic can get a second bite at the apple. 

Doing things that would cut that off might be unwise/unethical. 

Important, and would be nice even if passed as-is! Admittedly, there's some space to have even stronger ideas, like...

"Confidentiality of genomic interventions. Human has natural right for details of which aspects of their genome were custom-chosen, if any, to be kept confidential" (probably also prohibit parents/guardians from disclosing that, since knowledge cannot be sealed back into the box).

The core idea behind confidentiality is to stop social pressure (whether on the children or the parents).

Parents have a strong right to not use genomic engineering technology, and if they do use it then they have a strong right to not alter any given trait.

How to prevent all the judgements better than to make information sharing completely voluntary?

Yeah this seems like an important question. I'm not sure what to think. Ideally someone with more background in medical ethics could address this. E.g. I'm not sure how to navigate what would happen if, for example, law enforcement claimed it needed access to some info (e.g. to enforce regulations about germline engineering, or to use in forensic investigation of a crime); or if there were a malpractice suit about a germline engineering clinic, or something. I'm also not sure what is standardly done, and what the good and bad results are, in situations where a child might have an interest in their parents not sharing some info about them.

But certainly, in a list of innovation-positive ethical guidelines for scientists and clinicians regarding germline engineering, some sort of strong protection of privacy would have to be included. This is a good point, thanks.

We already know how to get smarter kids

What are you refering to? It's true that there are companies currently offering embryo screening based on polygenic scores, in at least one case including IQ. These methods are fairly weak though. (I mean they're cool, and could have significant impact on diseases because for diseases the initial genomic vectoring is the most impactful on absolute disease risk. But they won't e.g. make tens of thousands of world-class intellects. See https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/2w6hjptanQ3cDyDw7/methods-for-strong-human-germline-engineering#Method__Simple_embryo_selection .)

People also do mate choice, but this is, while not exactly zero-sum, kinda zero-sum, and still doesn't get you super-healthy long-lived world-class intellects with high probability. Or do you mean more broadly education and stuff?

Do you expect that to change? Why?

Generally the basic reason I expect it to change is that the technology will have big benefits, so people will think about how to do it without also genociding people.

By default, I expect it to change, though it could happen pretty slowly. Or rather, it could be quite delayed. That seems to already be the case; I think if we'd wanted to make this technology, and had wanted that for, say, 20 years, we could probably have already had it.

I somewhat expect that once the first quite noticeable germline engineering is proven out, people will want to use the technology themselves. E.g. you have a bunch of 17-year-olds who are already quite impressive intellectually, and not in a kinda-cringe prodigy way but in an actual way; and you have 10000 people age 0-20 who have a noticeably miniscule rate of death due to disease (of course they'd still die from accidents and such).

Also, it's worth noting that public sentiment about germline genomic engineering is much better described as "quite mixed" rather than "anti". I want to do a more thorough review later, but the few polls I've seen get favorability numbers for germline engineering between 20% and 70% (depending on the question, e.g. about preventing disease vs. increasing intelligence or other capacities; and depending on the country). The few debates I've watched are similarly, coarsely, half and half.

I hope to help this process along at least a bit, though of course I probably can't do much. Partly it's just communicating what the tech will do, and how we know that, etc. Partly it's communicating about misconceptions. Partly it's making the tech actually be beneficial; a big thing here is making it strong (hence effective and greatly beneficial to individuals; and also cheap, and therefore widely accessible; see https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/2w6hjptanQ3cDyDw7/methods-for-strong-human-germline-engineering#Strong_GV_and_why_it_matters ). Partly it's thinking about to set up society to avoid possible socially emergent downsides. (Yes, I understand I contribute at most a very small amount to "setting up society"; the idea is to contribute to figuring out what that could look like, to be beneficial.)

current societies have comprehensively decided that eugenics programs are bad

I'm still unsure, and curious to learn, what people actually object to. (My current list is here, though it's trying to be complete rather than emphasizing what people most care about: https://berkeleygenomics.org/articles/Potential_perils_of_germline_genomic_engineering.html .) The original, and most abhorrent, things that are called eugenics, are actually bad. But they are in most ways diametrically opposed to genomic emancipation. There is overlap, which people could be rightly worried about--namely, generally caring about genes enough to somehow intervene on some genes. But the logic is fundamentally opposed: eugenics says:

Everyone should have children with Good genes, so that We/I don't have to live with the negative externalities of Your bad genes (/race).

whereas genomic emancipation (in its pure, and therefore not completely workable, form) says

Everyone should be empowered to have as much (well-informed, high-precision, skillful) influence over their future child's genome, so that I can give My child a good life by My lights, and You can give Your child a good life by Your lights, which will probably be good because empowered pursuit of diverse human goods is probably good in aggregate.

What I meant was smart people having more kids.

I mean, I'd encourage most people in general to choose to have kids, but yeah, trying to influence other people's reproductive choices on the level of persons is creepy and eugenicsy; it's much more practically and motivationally contiguous with even creepier and eugenicsier stuff such as racist immigation policies, etc.

but in what sense is that true that's not true of, say, your smarter relative having the kids instead?

In a huge quantitative sense. You and I differ at very roughly 4 million SNVs (maybe more like 5-10, but 4 is a convenient number). My sibling and I differ at roughly half that, 2 million SNVs. If I had a child without germline engineering, I'd pass on 2 million SNVs. If it's my sibling's child, it's 1 million SNVs.

If I use selection, I'm still passing on 2 million SNVs, though in a way selected for association with some traits--but the selection is pretty weak in the scale of SNVs; it'd correspond, morally, to something like hundreds or thousands of edits, I think (haven't gone through this carefully). In other words, O(0.1%), even if you count the alteration as being totally unrelated DNA. Similarly for editing. You could have a 180 IQ super-healthy kid with a natural lifespan of 110 years, with a genome that would be nearly indistinguishable from being your non-GE'd child. (Unless you whole genome sequence them and find a surprising coincidence of health and IQ alleles drawn from your own genome / a couple dozen SNPs that weren't in either parent.)

I mean, if you don't care about that, God bless you. I think most people do care about it though.

I'm basing this off of selection, not editing. I haven't looked into the genetics stuff very much, because the bottleneck is biotech, not polygenic scores.

Would look forward to your rebuttal! I just hope you'll respond to the strongest arguments, not the weakest. In particular, if you want to argue against the potential effectiveness of selection methods, I think you'd want to either argue that PGSes aren't picking up causal variants at all (I mean, that there's a large amount of correlation that isn't causation); or that the causality would top out / have strongly diminishing returns on the trait. Selection methods would capture approximately all of the causal stuff that the PGS is picking up, even if it's not even due to SNPs but rather rarer SNVs. (However, this would not apply to population stratification or something; then I'd think you'd want to argue that this is much / most of what PGSes are picking up, and there'd be already-made counterarguments to this that you should respond to in order to be convincing.)

I'll repeat that I'm not very learned about genetics, so if you want to convince even me in particular, the best way is to respond to the strongest case, which I can't present. But ok:

First I'll say that an empirical set of facts I'd quite like to have for many traits (disease, mental disease, IQ, personality) would be validation of tails. E.g. if you look at the bottom 1% on a disease PRS, what's the probability of disease? Similarly for IQ.

or beyond those?

I rarely make claims about going much beyond natural results; generally I think it's pretty plausible there's some meaningful thing we could feasibly do that's like +6 -- +8 SDs on intelligence, but I'm much less confident about the +8 SD claim, and not super confident of the +6 SD. Like, I think the default expectation ought to be that we can meaningfully get to +6 SDs; this seems like the straightforward conclusion. (I'm just restating the intuition / impression.)

Why do you expect that only a very small fraction of natural SNP differences are needed to get the extremes of natural results

Assuming linearity, the math is fairly straightforward. In the simplest model, with 10,000 fair +1/-1 coins (representing all the variance in a trait, so some coins are environmental), an SD is 50 coins and the average is 5,000. So there's 100 SDs of variance available. Obviously this is mostly meaningless in terms of the trait, as linearity would not remotely hold, but my point is that the issue isn't the math of additive selection. See here for more (e.g. about if the coins are biased https://tsvibt.blogspot.com/2022/08/the-power-of-selection.html#7-the-limits-of-selection ).

IQ seems to have thousands of small contributions from different regions. 10% of the variance is therefore in the ballpark of 10 trait SDs. Again, I'm not saying you can get to 250 IQ; what I'm saying is that the math of selection and variance isn't the problem. Lee et al. state "In the WLS, the MTAG score predicts 9.7% of the variance in cognitive performance[...]"; this was in 2018, I would bet we can do substantially better now.

Lee, James J., Robbee Wedow, Aysu Okbay, Edward Kong, Omeed Maghzian, Meghan Zacher, Tuan Anh Nguyen-Viet, et al. ‘Gene Discovery and Polygenic Prediction from a 1.1-Million-Person GWAS of Educational Attainment’. Nature Genetics 50, no. 8 (August 2018): 1112–21. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0147-3.

Why do you expect that effects would be linear?

TBC I certainly don't expect the effects to be literally linear even in the typical human range; it's more that expect them to be fairly linear. Like if the answer is that a trait-mean couple that selects their child's genome to have a (carefully, accurately as best anyone can) predicted IQ of mean 170 actually tends to have a child with mean IQ 155, I'd shrug and be like "huh, that's weird and surprising, let's investigate and make sure to communicate this fact to parents"; and I think this possibility is nontrivially strategically relevant; and it means we should accurately describe this plausible outcome, in order to not overhype etc.; but I wouldn't be totally shocked. If the child tends to have a mean IQ of 125, I would be shocked, yeah. (The 170 vs. 155 thing would be hard to notice for a while because testing intelligence at that range is barely feasible, but just saying for illustration.)

Also, certainly I would expect strong nonlinearities at the extreme tails at some point. I'd certainly strongly advice against, maybe even condemn, pushing noticeably outside the regime of adaptedness.

Why do I expect the effects to be fairly linear in the human envelop, to the point where increasing a bunch of causal variants increases the trait?

Some of my impressions come from here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1408.3421 "On the genetic architecture of intelligence and other quantitative traits", Stephen D.H. Hsu, 2014

and from https://gwern.net/embryo-selection

(TBC, I'm not saying these sources present the strongest arguments; I'm just saying where my impressions historically come from.)

  1. Breeding programs in non-humans work well, so there's plenty of variance for those traits, no huge nonlinear walls that you hit, etc. This is far from dispositive; intelligence could plausibly be different from traits like egg production or weight, maybe it's important that you're checking along the way, etc.
  2. Linear PGSes work well for many traits (height in humans; various traits for cows I think; even IQ, up to 10%).
  3. SNP heritability estimates are substantial; the number in my head for IQ is >.3 of the variance. Though my impression is also that these are maybe controversial? I dunno.
  4. It's far from obvious to me that there's been much selection for IQ in the past couple thousand years. But if there were a case that the selection has been strong, that would shift me.
  5. There's a theoretical argument, which IDK if it should hold much weight, but I like it: since DNA segments get shuffled around a lot, there's selection pressure for things to work reasonably well with other things. E.g. DNA segments that have really bad effects when combined with some other segments would be selected against; and DNA segments that improve mechanisms for repairing/smoothing-out/compensating bad epistases between other segments will be selected for. In general this smooths things, which makes the landscape more linear. (I understand that specific epistases are much rarer than single variants, and therefore relatively invisible to selection; but I think my point stands somewhat, though this could be clarified and maybe basically disproven with good quantitative analysis.)
  6. I just haven't seen evidence of this nonlinear wall that's right between 140 and 160, or whatever the claim is. It's just people saying "maybe there's a U-shaped curve of something" or "maybe there's a high fan-in latent with a cutoff after the latent in the final IQ sum" which makes sense, but AFAIK is basically just speculation. It also isn't super compelling speculation if we're talking about a super polygenic trait in a super-complex organ where I'd expect there to be lots and lots of ways to tune and fix and just upregulate stuff. Like, my actual guess would be that there's a whole spectrum of functional forms, from linear (substantial, according to h estimates!) through small ORs of ANDs, through large ORs of highly sensitive ANDs and other nonlinear forms; and these are all mixed together; and this does imply something; but it doesn't imply that you can't have quite large effects on the trait with germline engineering.
  7. My impression is that the upper tail of IQ does get a little weird, and maybe g stops existing as much / the distribution of different tests stops being as one-dimensional? But IIUC (not sure, heard this from a psychometrician) there's no observed threshold in the effect of IQ on other traits, despite people looking, though it's quite hard to measure past 150ish. And e.g. this random paper claims to find quite substantial SNP heritability in a cohort with estimated rarity >4 SDs, though it's not a huge cohort (1238 in the selected cohort) and I didn't study it so maybe it's very flawed / meaningless, IDK. https://www.nature.com/articles/mp2017121 In other words, to the small extent that we can look at the extreme tails, I at least haven't heard of big results saying "aha! actually the genetics of IQ on the tails is quite different than near the mean!".
  8. (Also there's sibling studies that IIUC say we are indeed picking up causality, though that's not directly relevant to linearity.)

near-evolutionarily-optimal range. That has not happened with intelligence,

What makes you think this? As I said, it's not clear to me that there's been much selection pressure for intelligence in the past few thousand years.

Also, the "evolutionary optimum" can change. E.g. calories are not much of a problem in the developed world, but that's recent.

Also, there's always an influx of de novo mutations, and evolution has limited selection power. I'm not clear on the math here exactly, and I think kman has suggested that mutational load isn't the main source of IQ-associated SNPs, but it demonstrates that it's far from ironclad logic to infer from evolutionary pressure on a trait that the trait should be near optimum in linear variants. The brain is one of the organs with the most diverse gene expression profile (I mean, more genes are expressed in the brain than in most other tissues); and IIRC most genes are expressed in the brain (not confident of this, maybe it's more like 1/3 or 1/2. But anyway, there's a lot of genes potentially relevant to brain function, so there's a lot of surface area for mutational load to drag things down a bit.

genes are not simply choosing a level of intelligence.

I don't know what you mean by this. Are you talking about pleiotropy? Between what and what? I mean of course genes do lots of things, but IIUC so far as we've observed, the correlations between most measured traits are pretty small (and usually positive between traits most people would judge desirable, e.g. lower risk of mental illness and higher intelligence).

Mostly this sounds remarkably good. A couple of minor points though. 

On the exception for genomic choices that remove a core aspect of human nature – There is a vagueness problem here. But lets look at some of the possible specifics mentioned. If one is going to create a soldier, removing fear might be valuable. If one is going to create an astronaut for a long term mission, removing dependence on other people might be valuable. If one is going to create an organ donor, removing consciousness and self-awareness seems essential. These are all worth doing if we can figure out how.

On the negative externalities question, I actually strongly disagree with the counterexample of a blind couple choosing to blind their child. That's child abuse! It's no different than gouging your child's eyes out! Don't allow that!

I already maybe mentioned this in some earlier discussion so maybe it’s not worth rehashing in detail but…

I strongly feel laws are downstream of culture. Instead of thinking which laws are best, it seems worthwhile to me to try thinking of which culture is best. First amendment in US is protected by culture rather than just by laws, if the culture changed then so would the laws. Same here with genomic liberty. Laws can be changed and their enforcement in day to day life can be changed. (Every country has examples of laws that exist on books but don’t get enforced in practice.)

(And if you do spend time thinking of what the ideal culture looks like, then I’ll have my next set of objections on why you personally can’t decide ideal culture of a civilisation either; how that gets decided is more complicated. But to have that discussion, first we will have to agree culture is important.)

I appreciate you for thinking about these topics. I just think reality is likely to look very different from what you’re currently imagining.

I agree that culture is important and that I contribute a very small amount to deciding what culture looks like. What do you think I'm imagining that reality will look different from?

I'm unsure what the theory of change associated with your LW post is. If you have a theory of change associated with it that also makes sense to me, my guess is you'd focus a lot more on cultural attitudes and incentives, and a lot less on legality or technical definitions.

The process for getting a certain desirable future is imo likely not going to be that you create the law first and everyone complies it with later when the tech is deployed.

It'll look more like the biotech companies deploy the tech in a certain way, then a bunch of citizens get used to using it a certain way (and don't have lots of complaints), and then a certain form of usage gets normalised, and only after that you can make a law codifying what is allowed and not allowed.

Until society has consensus agreement on certain ways of doing things, and experience doing them in practice (not theory), I don't think it'll be politically viable to pass a legal ban (that doesn't say, get overturned soon after).

The other way around is possible, it is possible to make a law saying something is disallowed before it has actually been done. Historically societies have often been bad at this sort of thing. (Often you need mishap to happen before a law banning something is politically viable.) But cultures in general are averse to change, so that alone can be good enough to that a ban is politically viable.

This makes more sense for blanket ban though, it makes less sense for the kind of targeted ban of certain types of interventions. Culture does not already encode the stuff in your post as of 2025, what you're proposing is novel.

Yeah I'm not, like, trying to sneak this in as a law or something. It's a proposed policy principle, i.e. a proposed piece of culture.

My main motive here is just to figure out what a good world with germline engineering could/would look like, and a little bit to start promoting that vision as something to care about and work towards. I agree that practical technology will push the issue, but I think it's good to think about how to make the world with this technology good, rather than just deferring that. Besides the first-order thing where you're just supposed to try to make technology end up going well, it's also good to think about the question for cooperative reasons. For one thing, pushing technology ahead without thinking about whether or how it will turn out well is reckless / defecty, and separately it looks reckless / defecty. That would justify people pushing against accelerating the technology, and would give people reason to feel skittish about the area (because it contains people being reckless / defecty). For another thing, having a vision of a good world seems like it ought to be motivating to scientists and technologists.

Got it!

I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about this myself. But one suggestion I would recommend:

For any idea you have, also imagine 20 other neighbouring ideas, ideas which are superficially similar but ultimately not the same.

The reason I'm suggesting this exercise is that ideas keep mutating. If you try to popularise any set of ideas, people are going to come up with every possible modification and interpretation of them. And eventually some of those are going to become more popular and others less popular.

For example with "no removing a core aspect of humanity" principle, imagine if someone who values fairness and equality highly considers this value a core aspect of humanity and then thinks through its implications. Or let's say with "parents have a strong right to propagate their own genes", a hardcore libertarian takes this very seriously and wants to figure out edge case of exactly how many "bad" genes are they allowed to transmit to their child before they run afoul of "aimed at giving their child a life of wellbeing" principle.

You can come up with a huge number of such permutations.