I think a very common problem in alignment research today is that people focus almost exclusively on a specific story about strategic deception/scheming, and that story is a very narrow slice of the AI extinction probability mass. At some point I should probably write a proper post on this, but for now here are few off-the-cuff example AI extinction stories which don't look like the prototypical scheming story. (These are copied from a Facebook thread.)
Also (separate comment because I expect this one to be more divisive): I think the scheming story has been disproportionately memetically successful largely because it's relatively easy to imagine hacky ways of preventing an AI from intentionally scheming. And that's mostly a bad thing; it's a form of streetlighting.
Most of the problems you discussed here more easily permit hacky solutions than scheming does.
IMO the main argument for focusing on scheming risk is that scheming is the main plausible source of catastrophic risk from the first AIs that either pose substantial misalignment risk or that are extremely useful (as I discuss here). These other problems all seem like they require the models to be way smarter in order for them to be a big problem. Though as I said here, I'm excited for work on some non-scheming misalignment risks.
scheming is the main plausible source of catastrophic risk from the first AIs that either pose substantial misalignment risk or that are extremely useful...
Seems quite wrong. The main plausible source of catastrophic risk from the first AIs that either pose substantial misalignment risk or that are extremely useful is that they cause more powerful AIs to be built which will eventually be catastrophic, but which have problems that are not easily iterable-upon (either because problems are hidden, or things move quickly, or ...).
And causing more powerful AIs to be built which will eventually be catastrophic is not something which requires a great deal of intelligent planning; humanity is already racing in that direction on its own, and it would take a great deal of intelligent planning to avert it. This story, for example:
- People try to do the whole "outsource alignment research to early AGI" thing, but the human overseers are themselves sufficiently incompetent at alignment of superintelligences that the early AGI produces a plan which looks great to the overseers (as it was trained to do), and that plan totally fails to align more-powerful next-gen AGI at all. And at that point, they're already on the more-powerful next gen, so it's too late.
This story sounds clearly extremely plausible (do you disagree with that?), involves exactly the sort of AI you're talking about ("the first AIs that either pose substantial misalignment risk or that are extremely useful"), but the catastropic risk does not come from that AI scheming.
This problem seems important (e.g. it's my last bullet here). It seems to me much easier to handle, because if this problem is present, we ought to be able to detect its presence by using AIs to do research on other subjects that we already know a lot about (e.g. the string theory analogy here). Scheming is the only reason why the model would try to make it hard for us to notice that this problem is present.
A few problems with this frame.
First: you're making reasonably-pessimistic assumptions about the AI, but very optimistic assumptions about the humans/organization. Sure, someone could look for the problem by using AIs to do research on other subject that we already know a lot about. But that's a very expensive and complicated project - a whole field, and all the subtle hints about it, need to be removed from the training data, and then a whole new model trained! I doubt that a major lab is going to seriously take steps much cheaper and easier than that, let alone something that complicated.
One could reasonably respond "well, at least we've factored apart the hard technical bottleneck from the part which can be solved by smart human users or good org structure". Which is reasonable to some extent, but also... if a product requires a user to get 100 complicated and confusing steps all correct in order for the product to work, then that's usually best thought of as a product design problem, not a user problem. Making the plan at least somewhat robust to people behaving realistically less-than-perfectly is itself part of the problem.
Second: looking for the problem by testing on other f...
See also ‘The Main Sources of AI Risk?’ by Wei Dai and Daniel Kokotajlo, which puts forward 35 routes to catastrophe (most of which are disjunctive). (Note that many of the routes involve something other than intent alignment going wrong.)
On o3: for what feels like the twentieth time this year, I see people freaking out, saying AGI is upon us, it's the end of knowledge work, timelines now clearly in single-digit years, etc, etc. I basically don't buy it, my low-confidence median guess is that o3 is massively overhyped. Major reasons:
I just spent some time doing GPQA, and I think I agree with you that the difficulty of those problems is overrated. I plan to write up more on this.
@johnswentworth Do you agree with me that modern LLMs probably outperform (you with internet access and 30 minutes) on GPQA diamond? I personally think this somewhat contradicts the narrative of your comment if so.
Ok, so sounds like given 15-25 mins per problem (and maybe with 10 mins per problem), you get 80% correct. This is worse than o3, which scores 87.7%. Maybe you'd do better on a larger sample: perhaps you got unlucky (extremely plausible given the small sample size) or the extra bit of time would help (though it sounds like you tried to use more time here and that didn't help). Fwiw, my guess from the topics of those questions is that you actually got easier questions than average from that set.
I continue to think these LLMs will probably outperform (you with 30 mins). Unfortunately, the measurement is quite expensive, so I'm sympathetic to you not wanting to get to ground here. If you believe that you can beat them given just 5-10 minutes, that would be easier to measure. I'm very happy to bet here.
I think that even if it turns out you're a bit better than LLMs at this task, we should note that it's pretty impressive that they're competitive with you given 30 minutes!
So I still think your original post is pretty misleading [ETA: with respect to how it claims GPQA is really easy].
I think the models would beat you by more at FrontierMath.
I think that how you talk about the questions being “easy”, and the associated stuff about how you think the baseline human measurements are weak, is somewhat inconsistent with you being worse than the model.
Generalizing the lesson here: the supposedly-hard benchmarks for which I have seen a few problems (e.g. GPQA, software eng) turn out to be mostly quite easy, so my prior on other supposedly-hard benchmarks which I haven't checked (e.g. FrontierMath) is that they're also mostly much easier than they're hyped up to be
Daniel Litt's account here supports this prejudice. As a math professor, he knew instantly how to solve the low/medium-level problems he looked at, and he suggests that each "high"-rated problem would be likewise instantly solvable by an expert in that problem's subfield.
And since LLMs have eaten ~all of the internet, they essentially have the crystallized-intelligence skills for all (sub)fields of mathematics (and human knowledge in general). So from their perspective, all of those problems are very "shallow". No human shares their breadth of knowledge, so math professors specialized even in slightly different subfields would indeed have to do a lot of genuine "deep" cognitive work; this is not the case for LLMs.
GPQA stuff is even worse, a literal advanced trivia quiz that seems moderately resistant to literal humans literally googling things, but not to the way the kno...
[...] he suggests that each "high"-rated problem would be likewise instantly solvable by an expert in that problem's subfield.
This is an exaggeration and, as stated, false.
Epoch AI made 5 problems from the benchmark public. One of those was ranked "High", and that problem was authored by me.
On the other hand, I don't think the problem is very hard insight-wise - I th...
I'm not confident one way or another.
I think my key crux is that in domains where there is a way to verify that the solution actually works, RL can scale to superhuman performance, and mathematics/programming are domains that are unusually easy to verify/gather training data for RL performance, so with caveats it can become rather good at those specific domains/benchmarks like millennium prize evals, but the important caveat is I don't believe this transfers very well to domains where verifying isn't easy, like creative writing.
I'm bearish on that. I expect GPT-4 to GPT-5 to be palatably less of a jump than GPT-3 to GPT-4, same way GPT-3 to GPT-4 was less of a jump than GPT-2 to GPT-3. I'm sure it'd show lower loss, and saturate some more benchmarks, and perhaps an o-series model based on it clears FrontierMath, and perhaps programmers and mathematicians would be able to use it in an ever-so-bigger number of cases...
I was talking about the 1 GW systems that would be developed in late 2026-early 2027, not GPT-5.
That's the opposite of my experience. Nearly all the papers I read vary between "trash, I got nothing useful out besides an idea for a post explaining the relevant failure modes" and "high quality but not relevant to anything important". Setting up our experiments is historically much faster than the work of figuring out what experiments would actually be useful.
There are exceptions to this, large projects which seem useful and would require lots of experimental work, but they're usually much lower-expected-value-per-unit-time than going back to the whiteboard, understanding things better, and doing a simpler experiment once we know what to test.
Actually, I've changed my mind, in that the reliability issue probably does need at least non-trivial theoretical insights to make AIs work.
I am unconvinced that "the" reliability issue is a single issue that will be solved by a single insight, rather than AIs lacking procedural knowledge of how to handle a bunch of finicky special cases that will be solved by online learning or very long context windows once hardware costs decrease enough to make one of those approaches financially viable.
If I were to think about it a little, I'd suspect the big difference that LLMs and humans have is state/memory, where humans do have state/memory, but LLMs are currently more or less stateless today, and RNN training has not been solved to the extent transformers were.
One thing I will also say is that AI winters will be shorter than previous AI winters, because AI products can now be sort of made profitable, and this gives an independent base of money for AI research in ways that weren't possible pre-2016.
I agree with you on your assessment of GPQA. The questions themselves appear to be low quality as well. Take this one example, although it's not from GPQA Diamond:
In UV/Vis spectroscopy, a chromophore which absorbs red colour light, emits _____ colour light.
The correct answer is stated as yellow and blue. However, the question should read transmits, not emits; molecules cannot trivially absorb and re-emit light of a shorter wavelength without resorting to trickery (nonlinear effects, two-photon absorption).
This is, of course, a cherry-picked example, but is exactly characteristic of the sort of low-quality science questions I saw in school (e.g with a teacher or professor who didn't understand the material very well). Scrolling through the rest of the GPQA questions, they did not seem like questions that would require deep reflection or thinking, but rather the sort of trivia things that I would expect LLMs to perform extremely well on.
I'd also expect "popular" benchmarks to be easier/worse/optimized for looking good while actually being relatively easy. OAI et. al probably have the mother of all publication biases with respect to benchmarks, and are selecting very heavily for items within this collection.
Hypothesis: for smart people with a strong technical background, the main cognitive barrier to doing highly counterfactual technical work is that our brains' attention is mostly steered by our social circle. Our thoughts are constantly drawn to think about whatever the people around us talk about. And the things which are memetically fit are (almost by definition) rarely very counterfactual to pay attention to, precisely because lots of other people are also paying attention to them.
Two natural solutions to this problem:
These are both standard things which people point to as things-historically-correlated-with-highly-counterfactual-work. They're not mutually exclusive, but this model does suggest that they can substitute for each other - i.e. "going off into the woods" can substitute for a social circle with its own useful memetic environment, and vice versa.
One thing that I do after social interactions, especially those which pertain to my work, is to go over all the updates my background processing is likely to make and to question them more explicitly.
This is helpful because I often notice that the updates I’m making aren’t related to reasons much at all. It’s more like “ah they kind of grimaced when I said that, so maybe I'm bad?” or like “they seemed just generally down on this approach, but wait are any of those reasons even new to me? Haven’t I already considered those and decided to do it anyway?” or “they seemed so aggressively pessimistic about my work, but did they even understand what I was saying?” or “they certainly spoke with a lot of authority, but why should I trust them on this, and do I even care about their opinion here?” Etc. A bunch of stuff which at first blush my social center is like “ah god, it’s all over, I’ve been an idiot this whole time” but with some second glancing it’s like “ah wait no, probably I had reasons for doing this work that withstand surface level pushback, let’s remember those again and see if they hold up” And often (always?) they do.
This did not come naturally to me; I’ve had to train myself into doing it. But it has helped a lot with this sort of problem, alongside the solutions you mention i.e. becoming more of a hermit and trying to surround myself by people engaged in more timeless thought.
solution 2 implies that a smart person with a strong technical background would go on to work on important problems (by default) which is not necessarily universally true and it's IMO likely that many such people would be working on less important things than what their social circle is otherwise steering them to work on
The claim is not that either "solution" is sufficient for counterfactuality, it's that either solution can overcome the main bottleneck to counterfactuality. After that, per Amdahl's Law, there will still be other (weaker) bottlenecks to overcome, including e.g. keeping oneself focused on something important.
Good idea, but... I would guess that basically everyone who knew me growing up would say that I'm exactly the right sort of person for that strategy. And yet, in practice, I still find it has not worked very well. My attention has in fact been unhelpfully steered by local memetic currents to a very large degree.
For instance, I do love proving everyone else wrong, but alas reversed stupidity is not intelligence. People mostly don't argue against the high-counterfactuality important things, they ignore the high-counterfactuality important things. Trying to prove them wrong about the things they do argue about is just another way of having one's attention steered by the prevailing memetic currents.
People mostly don't argue against the high-counterfactuality important things, they ignore the high-counterfactuality important things. Trying to prove them wrong about the things they do argue about is just another way of having one's attention steered by the prevailing memetic currents.
This is true, but I still can't let go of the fact that this fact itself ought to be a blindingly obvious first-order bit that anyone who calls zerself anything like "aspiring rationalist" would be paying a good chunk of attention to, and yet this does not seem to be the case. Like, motions in the genre of
huh I just had reaction XYZ to idea ABC generated by a naively-good search process, and it seems like this is probably a common reaction to ABC; but if people tend to react to ABC with XYZ, and with other things coming from the generators of XYZ, then such and such distortion in beliefs/plans would be strongly pushed into the collective consciousness, e.g. on first-order or on higher-order deference effects ; so I should look out for that, e.g. by doing some manual fermi estimates or other direct checking about ABC or by investigating the strength of the steelman of reaction XYZ, or by keeping an eye out for people systematically reacting with XYZ without good foundation so I can notice this,
where XYZ could centrally be things like e.g. copium or subtly contemptuous indifference, do not seem to be at all common motions.
I visited Mikhail Khovanov once in New York to give a seminar talk, and after it was all over and I was wandering around seeing the sights, he gave me a call and offered a long string of general advice on how to be the kind of person who does truly novel things (he's famous for this, you can read about Khovanov homology). One thing he said was "look for things that aren't there" haha. It's actually very practical advice, which I think about often and attempt to live up to!
I'm ashamed to say I don't remember. That was the highlight. I think I have some notes on the conversation somewhere and I'll try to remember to post here if I ever find it.
I can spell out the content of his Koan a little, if it wasn't clear. It's probably more like: look for things that are (not there). If you spend enough time in a particular landscape of ideas, you can (if you're quiet and pay attention and aren't busy jumping on bandwagons) get an idea of a hole, which you're able to walk around but can't directly see. In this way new ideas appear as something like residues from circumnavigating these holes. It's my understanding that Khovanov homology was discovered like that, and this is not unusual in mathematics.
By the way, that's partly why I think the prospect of AIs being creative mathematicians in the short term should not be discounted; if you see all the things you see all the holes.
For those who might not have noticed Dan's clever double entendre: (Khovanov) homology is literally about counting/measuring holes in weird high-dimensional spaces - designing a new homology theory is in a very real sense about looking for holes that are not (yet) there.
Conjecture's Compendium is now up. It's intended to be a relatively-complete intro to AI risk for nontechnical people who have ~zero background in the subject. I basically endorse the whole thing, and I think it's probably the best first source to link e.g. policymakers to right now.
I might say more about it later, but for now just want to say that I think this should be the go-to source for new nontechnical people right now.
I think there's something about Bay Area culture that can often get technical people to feel like the only valid way to contribute is through technical work. It's higher status and sexier and there's a default vibe that the best way to understand/improve the world is through rigorous empirical research.
I think this an incorrect (or at least incomplete) frame, and I think on-the-margin it would be good for more technical people to spend 1-5 days seriously thinking about what alternative paths they could pursue in comms/policy.
I also think there are memes spreading around that you need to be some savant political mastermind genius to do comms/policy, otherwise you will be net negative. The more I meet policy people (including successful policy people from outside the AIS bubble), the more I think this narrative was, at best, an incorrect model of the world. At worst, a take that got amplified in order to prevent people from interfering with the AGI race (e.g., by granting excess status+validity to people/ideas/frames that made it seem crazy/unilateralist/low-status to engage in public outreach, civic discourse, and policymaker engagement.)
(Caveat: I don't think the adversarial frame explains everything, and I do think there are lots of people who were genuinely trying to reason about a complex world and just ended up underestimating how much policy interest there would be and/or overestimating the extent to which labs would be able to take useful actions despite the pressures of race dynamics.)
I think I probably agree, although I feel somewhat wary about it. My main hesitations are:
One of the common arguments in favor of investing more resources into current governance approaches (e.g., evals, if-then plans, RSPs) is that there's nothing else we can do. There's not a better alternative– these are the only things that labs and governments are currently willing to support.
The Compendium argues that there are other (valuable) things that people can do, with most of these actions focusing on communicating about AGI risks. Examples:
- Share a link to this Compendium online or with friends, and provide your feedback on which ideas are correct and which are unconvincing. This is a living document, and your suggestions will shape our arguments.
- Post your views on AGI risk to social media, explaining why you believe it to be a legitimate problem (or not).
- Red-team companies’ plans to deal with AI risk, and call them out publicly if they do not have a legible plan.
One possible critique is that their suggestions are not particularly ambitious. This is likely because they're writing for a broader audience (people who haven't been deeply engaged in AI safety).
For people who have been deeply engaged in AI safety, I think the natural steelman here is "focus on helping the ...
Short version: Nvidia's only moat is in software; AMD already makes flatly superior hardware priced far lower, and Google probably does too but doesn't publicly sell it. And if AI undergoes smooth takeoff on current trajectory, then ~all software moats will evaporate early.
Long version: Nvidia is pretty obviously in a hype-driven bubble right now. However, it is sometimes the case that (a) an asset is in a hype-driven bubble, and (b) it's still a good long-run bet at the current price, because the company will in fact be worth that much. Think Amazon during the dot-com bubble. I've heard people make that argument about Nvidia lately, on the basis that it will be ridiculously valuable if AI undergoes smooth takeoff on the current apparent trajectory.
My core claim here is that Nvidia will not actually be worth much, compared to other companies, if AI undergoes smooth takeoff on the current apparent trajectory.
Other companies already make ML hardware flatly superior to Nvidia's (in flops, memory, whatever), and priced much lower. AMD's MI300x is the most obvious direct comparison. Google's TPUs are probably another example, though they're not sold publicly s...
The easiest answer is to look at the specs. Of course specs are not super reliable, so take it all with many grains of salt. I'll go through the AMD/Nvidia comparison here, because it's a comparison I looked into a few months back.
Techpowerup is a third-party site with specs for the MI300x and the H100, so we can do a pretty direct comparison between those two pages. (I don't know if the site independently tested the two chips, but they're at least trying to report comparable numbers.) The H200 would arguably be more of a "fair comparison" since the MI300x came out much later than the H100; we'll get to that comparison next. I'm starting with MI300x vs H100 comparison because techpowerup has specs for both of them, so we don't have to rely on either company's bullshit-heavy marketing materials as a source of information. Also, even the H100 is priced 2-4x more expensive than the MI300x (~$30-45k vs ~$10-15k), so it's not unfair to compare the two.
Key numbers (MI300x vs H100):
... so the compari...
Its worth noting that even if nvidia is charging 2-4x more now, the ultimate question for competitiveness will be manufactoring cost for nvidia vs amd. If nvidia has much lower manufactoring costs than amd per unit performance (but presumably higher markup), then nvidia might win out even if their product is currently worse per dollar.
Note also that price discrimination might be a big part of nvidia's approach. Scaling labs which are willing to go to great effort to drop compute cost by a factor of two are a subset of nvidia's customers where nvidia would ideally prefer to offer lower prices. I expect that nvidia will find a way to make this happen.
I'm holding a modest long position in NVIDIA (smaller than my position in Google), and expect to keep it for at least a few more months. I expect I only need NVIDIA margins to hold up for another 3 or 4 years for it to be a good investment now.
It will likely become a bubble before too long, but it doesn't feel like one yet.
No, the mi300x is not superior to nvidias chips, largely because It costs >2x to manufacture as nvidias chips
While the first-order analysis seems true to me, there are mitigating factors:
So from my viewpoint I would caution against being short NVIDIA, at least in the short term.
If AI automates most, but not all, software engineering, moats of software dependencies could get more entrenched, because easier-to-use libraries have compounding first-mover advantages.
I don't think the advantages would necessarily compound - quite the opposite, there are diminishing returns and I expect 'catchup'. The first-mover advantage neutralizes itself because a rising tide lifts all boats, and the additional data acts as a prior: you can define the advantage of a better model, due to any scaling factor, as equivalent to n additional datapoints. (See the finetuning transfer papers on this.) When a LLM can zero-shot a problem, that is conceptually equivalent to a dumber LLM which needs 3-shots, say. And so the advantages of a better model will plateau, and can be matched by simply some more data in-context - such as additional synthetic datapoints generated by self-play or inner-monologue etc. And the better the model gets, the more 'data' it can 'transfer' to a similar language to reach a given X% of coding performance. (Think about how you could easily transfer given access to an environment: just do self-play on translating any solved Python problem into the target la...
People will hunger for all the GPUs they can get, but then that means that the favored alternative GPU 'manufacturer' simply buys out the fab capacity and does so. Nvidia has no hardware moat: they do not own any chip fabs, they don't own any wafer manufacturers, etc. All they do is design and write software and all the softer human-ish bits. They are not 'the current manufacturer' - that's everyone else, like TSMC or the OEMs. Those are the guys who actually manufacture things, and they have no particular loyalty to Nvidia. If AMD goes to TSMC and asks for a billion GPU chips, TSMC will be thrilled to sell the fab capacity to AMD rather than Nvidia, no matter how angry Jensen is.
So in a scenario like mine, if everyone simply rewrites for AMD, AMD raises its prices a bit and buys out all of the chip fab capacity from TSMC/Intel/Samsung/etc - possibly even, in the most extreme case, buying capacity from Nvidia itself, as it suddenly is unable to sell anything at its high prices that it may be trying to defend, and is forced to resell its reserved chip fab capacity in the resulting liquidity crunch. (No point in spending chip fab capacity on chips you can't sell at your target price and you aren't sure what you're going to do.) And if AMD doesn't do so, then player #3 does so, and everyone rewrites again (which will be easier the second time as they will now have extensive test suites, two different implementations to check correctness against, documentation from the previous time, and AIs which have been further trained on the first wave of work).
Here's a side project David and I have been looking into, which others might have useful input on...
As I understand it, thyroid hormone levels are approximately-but-accurately described as the body's knob for adjusting "overall metabolic rate" or the subjective feeling of needing to burn energy. Turn up the thyroid knob, and people feel like they need to move around, bounce their leg, talk fast, etc (at least until all the available energy sources are burned off and they crash). Turn down the thyroid knob, and people are lethargic.
That sounds like the sort of knob which should probably typically be set higher, today, than was optimal in the ancestral environment. Not cranked up to 11; hyperthyroid disorders are in fact dangerous and unpleasant. But at least set to the upper end of the healthy range, rather than the lower end.
... and that's nontrivial. You can just dump the relevant hormones (T3/T4) into your body, but there's a control system which tries to hold the level constant. Over the course of months, the thyroid gland (which normally produces T4) will atrophy, as it shrinks to try to keep T4 levels fixed. Just continuing to pump T3/...
Uh... Guys. Uh. Biology is complicated. It's a messy pile of spaghetti code. Not that it's entirely intractable to make Pareto improvements but, watch out for unintended consequences.
For instance: you are very wrong about cortisol. Cortisol is a "stress response hormone". It tells the body to divert resources to bracing itself to deal with stress (physical and/or mental). Experiments have shown that if you put someone through a stressful event while suppressing their cortisol, they have much worse outcomes (potentially including death). Cortisol doesn't make you stressed, it helps you survive stress. Deviation from homeostatic setpoints (including mental ones) are what make you stressed.
I don’t think that any of {dopamine, NE, serotonin, acetylcholine} are scalar signals that are “widely broadcast through the brain”. Well, definitely not dopamine or acetylcholine, almost definitely not serotonin, maybe NE. (I recently briefly looked into whether the locus coeruleus sends different NE signals to different places at the same time, and ended up at “maybe”, see §5.3.1 here for a reference.)
I don’t know anything about histamine or orexin, but neuropeptides are a better bet in general for reasons in §2.1 here.
As far as I can tell, parasympathetic tone is basically Not A Thing
Yeah, I recall reading somewhere that the term “sympathetic” in “sympathetic nervous system” is related to the fact that lots of different systems are acting simultaneously. “Parasympathetic” isn’t supposed to be like that, I think.
AFAICT, approximately every "how to be good at conversation" guide says the same thing: conversations are basically a game where 2+ people take turns free-associating off whatever was said recently. (That's a somewhat lossy compression, but not that lossy.) And approximately every guide is like "if you get good at this free association game, then it will be fun and easy!". And that's probably true for some subset of people.
But speaking for myself personally... the problem is that the free-association game just isn't very interesting.
I can see where people would like it. Lots of people want to talk to other people more on the margin, and want to do difficult thinky things less on the margin, and the free-association game is great if that's what you want. But, like... that is not my utility function. The free association game is a fine ice-breaker, it's sometimes fun for ten minutes if I'm in the mood, but most of the time it's just really boring.
Even for serious intellectual conversations, something I appreciate in this kind of advice is that it often encourages computational kindness. E.g. it's much easier to answer a compact closed question like "which of these three options do you prefer" instead of an open question like "where should we go to eat for lunch". The same applies to asking someone about their research; not every intellectual conversation benefits from big open questions like the Hamming Question.
Generally fair and I used to agree, I've been looking at it from a bit of a different viewpoint recently.
If we think of a "vibe" of a conversation as a certain shared prior that you're currently inhabiting with the other person then the free association game can rather be seen as a way of finding places where your world models overlap a lot.
My absolute favourite conversations are when I can go 5 layers deep with someone because of shared inference. I think the vibe checking for shared priors is a skill that can be developed and the basis lies in being curious af.
There's apparently a lot of different related concepts in psychology about holding emotional space and other things that I think just comes down to "find the shared prior and vibe there".
There's a general-purpose trick I've found that should, in theory, be applicable in this context as well, although I haven't mastered that trick myself yet.
Essentially: when you find yourself in any given cognitive context, there's almost surely something "visible" from this context such that understanding/mastering/paying attention to that something would be valuable and interesting.
For example, suppose you're reading a boring, nonsensical continental-philosophy paper. You can:
Some people struggle with the specific tactical task of navigating any conversational territory. I've certainly had a lot of experiences where people just drop the ball leaving me to repeatedly ask questions. So improving free-association skill is certainly useful for them.
Unfortunately, your problem is most likely that you're talking to boring people (so as to avoid doing any moral value judgements I'll make clear that I mean johnswentworth::boring people).
There are specific skills to elicit more interesting answers to questions you ask. One I've heard is "make a beeline for the edge of what this person has ever been asked before" which you can usually reach in 2-3 good questions. At that point they're forced to be spontaneous, and I find that once forced, most people have the capability to be a lot more interesting than they are when pulling cached answers.
This is easiest when you can latch onto a topic you're interested in, because then it's easy on your part to come up with meaningful questions. If you can't find any topics like this then re-read paragraph 2.
Talking to people is often useful for goals like "making friends" and "sharing new information you've learned" and "solving problems" and so on. If what conversation means (in most contexts and for most people) is 'signaling that you repeatedly have interesting things to say', it's required to learn to do that in order to achieve your other goals.
Most games aren't that intrinsically interesting, including most social games. But you gotta git gud anyway because they're useful to be able to play well.
Er, friendship involves lots of things beyond conversation. People to support you when you're down, people to give you other perspectives on your personal life, people to do fun activities with, people to go on adventures and vacations with, people to celebrate successes in your life with, and many more.
Good conversation is a lubricant for facilitating all of those other things, for making friends and sustaining friends and staying in touch and finding out opportunities for more friendship-things.
Part of the problem is that the very large majority of people I run into have minds which fall into a relatively low-dimensional set and can be "ray traced" with fairly little effort. It's especially bad in EA circles.
Background: Significantly Enhancing Adult Intelligence With Gene Editing, Superbabies
Epistemic Status: @GeneSmith or @sarahconstantin or @kman or someone else who knows this stuff might just tell me where the assumptions underlying this gambit are wrong.
I've been thinking about the proposals linked above, and asked a standard question: suppose the underlying genetic studies are Not Measuring What They Think They're Measuring. What might they be measuring instead, how could we distinguish those possibilities, and what other strategies does that suggest?
... and after going through that exercise I mostly think the underlying studies are fine, but they're known to not account for most of the genetic component of intelligence, and there are some very natural guesses for the biggest missing pieces, and those guesses maybe suggest different strategies.
Before sketching the "different gambit", let's talk about the baseline, i.e. the two proposals linked at top. In particular, we'll focus on the genetics part.
GeneSmith's plan focuses on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), i.e. places in the genome where a single ba...
With SNPs, there's tens of thousands of different SNPs which would each need to be targeted differently. With high copy sequences, there's a relatively small set of different sequences.
No, rare variants are no silver bullet here. There's not a small set, there's a larger set - there would probably be combinatorially more rare variants because there are so many ways to screw up genomes beyond the limited set of ways defined by a single-nucleotide polymorphism, which is why it's hard to either select on or edit rare variants: they have larger (harmful) effects due to being rare, yes, and account for a large chunk of heritability, yes, but there are so many possible rare mutations that each one has only a few instances worldwide which makes them hard to estimate correctly via pure GWAS-style approaches. And they tend to be large or structural and so extremely difficult to edit safely compared to editing a single base-pair. (If it's hard to even sequence a CNV, how are you going to edit it?)
They definitely contribute a lot of the missing heritability (see GREML-KIN), but that doesn't mean you can feasibly do much about them. If there are tens of millions of possible rare variants, a...
I didn't read this carefully--but it's largely irrelevant. Adult editing probably can't have very large effects because developmental windows have passed; but either way the core difficulty is in editor delivery. Germline engineering does not require better gene targets--the ones we already have are enough to go as far as we want. The core difficulty there is taking a stem cell and making it epigenomically competent to make a baby (i.e. make it like a natural gamete or zygote).
Things non-corrigible strong AGI is never going to do:
Working on a paper with David, and our acknowledgments section includes a thankyou to Claude for editing. Neither David nor I remembers putting that acknowledgement there, and in fact we hadn't intended to use Clause for editing the paper at all nor noticed it editing anything at all.
My MATS program people just spent two days on an exercise to "train a shoulder-John".
The core exercise: I sit at the front of the room, and have a conversation with someone about their research project idea. Whenever I'm about to say anything nontrivial, I pause, and everyone discusses with a partner what they think I'm going to say next. Then we continue.
Some bells and whistles which add to the core exercise:
Why this particular exercise? It's a focused, rapid-feedback way of training the sort of usually-not-very-legible skills one typically absorbs via osmosis from a mentor. It's focused specifically on choosing project ideas, which is where most of the value in a project is (yet also where little time is typically spent, and therefore one typically does not get very much data on project choice from a mentor). Also, it's highly scalable: I could run the exercise in a 200-person lecture hall and still expect it to basically work.
It was, by ...
Regarding the recent memes about the end of LLM scaling: David and I have been planning on this as our median world since about six months ago. The data wall has been a known issue for a while now, updates from the major labs since GPT-4 already showed relatively unimpressive qualitative improvements by our judgement, and attempts to read the tea leaves of Sam Altman's public statements pointed in the same direction too. I've also talked to others (who were not LLM capability skeptics in general) who had independently noticed the same thing and come to similar conclusions.
Our guess at that time was that LLM scaling was already hitting a wall, and this would most likely start to be obvious to the rest of the world around roughly December of 2024, when the expected GPT-5 either fell short of expectations or wasn't released at all. Then, our median guess was that a lot of the hype would collapse, and a lot of the investment with it. That said, since somewhere between 25%-50% of progress has been algorithmic all along, it wouldn't be that much of a slowdown to capabilities progress, even if the memetic environment made it seem pretty salient. In the happiest case a lot of researchers w...
Original GPT-4 is rumored to be a 2e25 FLOPs model. With 20K H100s that were around as clusters for more than a year, 4 months at 40% utilization gives 8e25 BF16 FLOPs. Llama 3 405B is 4e25 FLOPs. The 100K H100s clusters that are only starting to come online in the last few months give 4e26 FLOPs when training for 4 months, and 1 gigawatt 500K B200s training systems that are currently being built will give 4e27 FLOPs in 4 months.
So lack of scaling-related improvement in deployed models since GPT-4 is likely the result of only seeing the 2e25-8e25 FLOPs range of scale so far. The rumors about the new models being underwhelming are less concrete, and they are about the very first experiments in the 2e26-4e26 FLOPs range. Only by early 2025 will there be multiple 2e26+ FLOPs models from different developers to play with, the first results of the experiment in scaling considerably past GPT-4.
And in 2026, once the 300K-500K B200s clusters train some models, we'll be observing the outcomes of scaling to 2e27-6e27 FLOPs. Only by late 2026 will there be a significant chance of reaching a scaling plateau that lasts for years, since scaling further would need $100 billion training systems that won't get built without sufficient success, with AI accelerators improving much slower than the current rate of funding-fueled scaling.
Nobody admitted to trying repeated data at scale yet (so we don't know that it doesn't work), which from the tiny experiments can 5x the data with little penalty and 15x the data in a still-useful way. It's not yet relevant for large models, but it might turn out that small models would greatly benefit already.
There are 15-20T tokens in datasets whose size is disclosed for current models (Llama 3, Qwen 2.5), plausibly 50T tokens of tolerable quality can be found (pretraining only needs to create useful features, not relevant behaviors). With 5x 50T tokens, even at 80 tokens/parameter[1] we can make good use of 5e27-7e27 FLOPs[2], which even a 1 gigawatt 500K B200s system of early 2026 would need 4-6 months to provide.
The isoFLOP plots (varying tokens per parameter for fixed compute) seem to get loss/perplexity basins that are quite wide, once they get about 1e20 FLOPs of compute. The basins also get wider for hybrid attention (compare 100% Attention isoFLOPs in the "Perplexity scaling analysis" Figure to the others). So it's likely that using a slightly suboptimal tokens/parameter ratio of say 40 won't hurt performance much at all. In which case we get to use 9e27-2e28 FLOPs by tra...
Use of repeated data was first demonstrated in the 2022 Galactica paper (Figure 6 and Section 5.1), at 2e23 FLOPs but without a scaling law analysis that compares with unique data or checks what happens for different numbers of repeats that add up to the same number of tokens-with-repetition. The May 2023 paper does systematic experiments with up to 1e22 FLOPs datapoints (Figure 4).
So that's what I called "tiny experiments". When I say that it wasn't demonstrated at scale, I mean 1e25+ FLOPs, which is true for essentially all research literature[1]. Anchoring to this kind of scale (and being properly suspicious of results several orders of magnitude lower) is relevant because we are discussing the fate of 4e27 FLOPs runs.
The largest datapoints in measuring the Chinchilla scaling laws for Llama 3 are 1e22 FLOPs. This is then courageously used to choose the optimal model size for the 4e25 FLOPs run that uses 4,000 times more compute than the largest of the experiments. ↩︎
For what it's worth, and for the purpose of making a public prediction in case I'm wrong, my median prediction is that [some mixture of scaling + algorithmic improvements still in the LLM regime, with at least 25% gains coming from the former] will continue for another couple years. And that's separate from my belief that if we did try to only advance through the current mixture of scale and algorithmic advancement, we'd still get much more powerful models, just slower.
I'm not very convinced by the claims about scaling hitting a wall, considering we haven't had the compute to train models significantly larger than GPT-4 until recently. Plus other factors like post-training taking a lot of time (GPT-4 took ~6 months from the base model being completed to release, I think? And this was a lot longer than GPT-3), labs just not being good at understanding how good their models are, etc. Though I'm not sure how much of your position is closer to "scaling will be <25-50% of future gains" than "scaling gains will be marginal / negligible", especially since a large part of this trajectory involves e.g. self-play or curated data for overcoming the data wall (would that count more as an algorithmic improvement or scaling?)
Petrov Day thought: there's this narrative around Petrov where one guy basically had the choice to nuke or not, and decided not to despite all the flashing red lights. But I wonder... was this one of those situations where everyone knew what had to be done (i.e. "don't nuke"), but whoever caused the nukes to not fly was going to get demoted, so there was a game of hot potato and the loser was the one forced to "decide" to not nuke? Some facts possibly relevant here:
Those are some good points. I wonder whether similar happened (or could at all happen) in other nuclear countries, where we don't know about similar incidents - because the system haven't collapsed there, the archives were not made public etc.
Also, it makes actually celebrating Petrov's day as widely as possible important, because then the option for the lowest-ranked person would be: "Get demoted, but also get famous all around the world."
Ever since GeneSmith's post and some discussion downstream of it, I've started actively tracking potential methods for large interventions to increase adult IQ.
One obvious approach is "just make the brain bigger" via some hormonal treatment (like growth hormone or something). Major problem that runs into: the skull plates fuse during development, so the cranial vault can't expand much; in an adult, the brain just doesn't have much room to grow.
BUT this evening I learned a very interesting fact: ~1/2000 infants have "craniosynostosis", a condition in which their plates fuse early. The main treatments involve surgery to open those plates back up and/or remodel the skull. Which means surgeons already have a surprisingly huge amount of experience making the cranial vault larger after plates have fused (including sometimes in adults, though this type of surgery is most common in infants AFAICT)
.... which makes me think that cranial vault remodelling followed by a course of hormones for growth (ideally targeting brain growth specifically) is actually very doable with current technology.
Well, the key time to implement an increase in brain size is when the neuron-precursors which are still capable of mitosis (unlike mature neurons) are growing. This is during fetal development, when there isn't a skull in the way, but vaginal birth has been a limiting factor for evolution in the past. Experiments have been done on increasing neuron count at birth in mammals via genetic engineering. I was researching this when I was actively looking for a way to increase human intelligence, before I decided that genetically engineering infants was infeasible [edit: within the timeframe of preparing for the need for AI alignment]. One example of a dramatic failure was increasing Wnt (a primary gene involved in fetal brain neuron-precursor growth) in mice. The resulting mice did successfully have larger brains, but they had a disordered macroscale connectome, so their brains functioned much worse.
15 years ago when I was studying this actively I could have sent you my top 20 favorite academic papers on the subject, or recommended a particular chapter of a particular textbook. I no longer remember these specifics. Now I can only gesture vaguely at Google scholar and search terms like "fetal neurogenesis" or "fetal prefrontal cortex development". I did this, and browsed through a hundred or so paper titles, and then a dozen or so abstracts, and then skimmed three or four of the most promising papers, and then selected this one for you. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41386-021-01137-9 Seems like a pretty comprehensive overview which doesn't get too lost in minor technical detail.
More importantly, I can give you my takeaway from years of reading many many papers on the subject. If you want to make a genius baby, there are lots more factors involved than simply neuron count. Messing about with generic changes is hard, and you need to test your ideas in animal models first, and the whole process can take years even ignoring ethical considerations or budget.
There is an easier and more effective way to get super genius babies, and that method should be exhausted before resorting t...
Just made this for an upcoming post, but it works pretty well standalone.
I've been trying to push against the tendency for everyone to talk about FTX drama lately, but I have some generalizable points on the topic which I haven't seen anybody else make, so here they are. (Be warned that I may just ignore responses, I don't really want to dump energy into FTC drama.)
Summary: based on having worked in startups a fair bit, Sam Bankman-Fried's description of what happened sounds probably accurate; I think he mostly wasn't lying. I think other people do not really get the extent to which fast-growing companies are hectic and chaotic and full of sketchy quick-and-dirty workarounds and nobody has a comprehensive view of what's going on.
Long version: at this point, the assumption/consensus among most people I hear from seems to be that FTX committed intentional, outright fraud. And my current best guess is that that's mostly false. (Maybe in the very last couple weeks before the collapse they toed the line into outright lies as a desperation measure, but even then I think they were in pretty grey territory.)
Key pieces of the story as I currently understand it:
I think this is likely wrong. I agree that there is a plausible story here, but given the case that Sam seems to have lied multiple times in confirmed contexts (for example when saying that FTX has never touched customer deposits), and people's experiences at early Alameda, I think it is pretty likely that Sam was lying quite frequently, and had done various smaller instances of fraud.
I don't think the whole FTX thing was a ponzi scheme, and as far as I can tell FTX the platform itself (if it hadn't burned all of its trust in the last 3 weeks), would have been worth $1-3B in an honest evaluation of what was going on.
But I also expect that when Sam used customer deposits he was well-aware that he was committing fraud, and others in the company were too. And he was also aware that there was a chance that things could blow up in the way it did. I do believe that they had fucked up their accounting in a way that caused Sam to fail to orient to the situation effectively, but all of this was many months after they had already committed major crimes and trust violations after touching customer funds as a custodian.
Epistemic status: rumor.
Word through the grapevine, for those who haven't heard: apparently a few months back OpenPhil pulled funding for all AI safety lobbying orgs with any political right-wing ties. They didn't just stop funding explicitly right-wing orgs, they stopped funding explicitly bipartisan orgs.
My best guess this is false. As a quick sanity-check, here are some bipartisan and right-leaning organizations historically funded by OP:
Of those, I think FAI is the only one at risk of OP being unable to fund them, based on my guess of where th...
Also worth noting Dustin Moskowitz was a prominent enough donor this election cycle, for Harris, to get highlighted in news coverage of her donors: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/campaigns/presidential/3179215/kamala-harris-influential-megadonors/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/10/09/us/politics/harris-billion-dollar-fundraising.html
Curious whether this is a different source than me. My current best model was described in this comment, which is a bit different (and indeed, my sense was that if you are bipartisan, you might be fine, or might not, depending on whether you seem more connected to the political right, and whether people might associate you with the right):
...Yep, my model is that OP does fund things that are explicitly bipartisan (like, they are not currently filtering on being actively affiliated with the left). My sense is in-practice it's a fine balance and if there was some high-profile thing where Horizon became more associated with the right (like maybe some alumni becomes prominent in the republican party and very publicly credits Horizon for that, or there is some scandal involving someone on the right who is a Horizon alumni), then I do think their OP funding would have a decent chance of being jeopardized, and the same is not true on the left.
Another part of my model is that one of the key things about Horizon is that they are of a similar school of PR as OP themselves. They don't make public statements. They try to look very professional. They are probably very happy to compromise on
Main takeaway: to the extent that Bell Labs did basic research, it actually wasn’t all that far ahead of others. Their major breakthroughs would almost certainly have happened not-much-later, even in a world without Bell Labs.
There were really two transistor inventions, back to back: Bardain and Brattain’s point-contact transistor, and then Schockley’s transistor. Throughout, the group was worried about some outside group beating them to the punch (i.e. the patent). There were semiconductor research labs at universities (e.g. at Purdue; see pg 97), and the prospect of one of these labs figuring out a similar device was close enough that the inventors were concerned about being scooped.
Most inventions which were central to Bell Labs actually started elsewhere. The travelling-wave tube started in an academic lab. The idea for fiber optic cable went way back, but it got its big kick at Corning. The maser and laser both started in universities. The ideas were only later picked up by Bell.
In other cases, the ideas were “easy enough to find” that they popped up more than once, independently, and were mos...
I loved this book. The most surprising thing to me was the answer that people who were there in the heyday give when asked what made Bell Labs so successful: They always say it was the problem, i.e. having an entire organization oriented towards the goal of "make communication reliable and practical between any two places on earth". When Shannon left the Labs for MIT, people who were there immediately predicted he wouldn't do anything of the same significance because he'd lose that "compass". Shannon was obviously a genius, and he did much more after than most people ever accomplish, but still nothing as significant as what he did when at at the Labs.
So I read SB1047.
My main takeaway: the bill is mostly a recipe for regulatory capture, and that's basically unavoidable using anything even remotely similar to the structure of this bill. (To be clear, regulatory capture is not necessarily a bad thing on net in this case.)
During the first few years after the bill goes into effect, companies affected are supposed to write and then implement a plan to address various risks. What happens if the company just writes and implements a plan which sounds vaguely good but will not, in fact, address the various risks? Probably nothing. Or, worse, those symbolic-gesture plans will become the new standard going forward.
In order to avoid this problem, someone at some point would need to (a) have the technical knowledge to evaluate how well the plans actually address the various risks, and (b) have the incentive to actually do so.
Which brings us to the real underlying problem here: there is basically no legible category of person who has the requisite technical knowledge and also the financial/status incentive to evaluate those plans for real.
(The same problem also applies to the board of the new regulatory body, once past the first few years.)
What happens if the company just writes and implements a plan which sounds vaguely good but will not, in fact, address the various risks? Probably nothing.
The only enforcement mechanism that the bill has is that the Attorney General (AG) of California can bring a civil claim. And, the penalties are quite limited except for damages. So, in practice, this bill mostly establishes liability enforced by the AG.
So, the way I think this will go is:
I don't see why you think "the bill is mostly a recipe for regulatory capture" given that no regulatory body will be established and it de facto does something very similar to the proposal you were suggesting (impose liability for catastrophes). (It doesn't require insurance, but I don't really see why self insuring is notably different.)
(Maybe you just mean that if a given safety case doesn't result in that AI lab being sued by the AG, the...
Here's a meme I've been paying attention to lately, which I think is both just-barely fit enough to spread right now and very high-value to spread.
Meme part 1: a major problem with RLHF is that it directly selects for failure modes which humans find difficult to recognize, hiding problems, deception, etc. This problem generalizes to any sort of direct optimization against human feedback (e.g. just fine-tuning on feedback), optimization against feedback from something emulating a human (a la Constitutional AI or RLAIF), etc.
Many people will then respond: "Ok, but if how on earth is one supposed to get an AI to do what one wants without optimizing against human feedback? Seems like we just have to bite that bullet and figure out how to deal with it." ... which brings us to meme part 2.
Meme part 2: We already have multiple methods to get AI to do what we want without any direct optimization against human feedback. The first and simplest is to just prompt a generative model trained solely for predictive accuracy, but that has limited power in practice. More recently, we've seen a much more powerful method: activation steering. Figure out which internal activation-patterns encode for the thing we want (via some kind of interpretability method), then directly edit those patterns.
Somebody should probably write a post explaining why RL from human feedback is actively harmful to avoiding AI doom. It's one thing when OpenAI does it, but when Anthropic thinks it's a good idea, clearly something has failed to be explained.
(I personally do not expect to get around to writing such a post soon, because I expect discussion around the post would take a fair bit of time and attention, and I am busy with other things for the next few weeks.)
I've just started reading the singular learning theory "green book", a.k.a. Mathematical Theory of Bayesian Statistics by Watanabe. The experience has helped me to articulate the difference between two kinds of textbooks (and viewpoints more generally) on Bayesian statistics. I'll call one of them "second-language Bayesian", and the other "native Bayesian".
Second-language Bayesian texts start from the standard frame of mid-twentieth-century frequentist statistics (which I'll call "classical" statistics). It views Bayesian inference as a tool/technique for answering basically-similar questions and solving basically-similar problems to classical statistics. In particular, they typically assume that there's some "true distribution" from which the data is sampled independently and identically. The core question is then "Does our inference technique converge to the true distribution as the number of data points grows?" (or variations thereon, like e.g. "Does the estimated mean converge to the true mean", asymptotics, etc). The implicit underlying assumption is that convergence to the true distribution as the number of (IID) data points grows is the main criterion by which inference meth...
Corrigibility proposal. Status: passed my quick intuitive checks, I want to know if anyone else immediately sees a major failure mode before I invest more time into carefully thinking it through.
Setup: shutdown problem. Two timesteps, shutdown button will be either pressed or not-pressed at second timestep, we want agent to optimize for one of two different utility functions depending on whether button is pressed. Main thing we're trying to solve here is the "can't do this with a utility maximizer" barrier from the old MIRI work; we're not necessarily trying to solve parts like "what utility function incentivizes shutting down nicely".
Proposal: agent consists of two subagents with veto power. Subagent 1 maximizes E[u1|do(press)], subagent 2 maximizes E[u2|do(no press)]. Current guess about what this does:
Here's an idea for a novel which I wish someone would write, but which I probably won't get around to soon.
The setting is slightly-surreal post-apocalyptic. Society collapsed from extremely potent memes. The story is episodic, with the characters travelling to a new place each chapter. In each place, they interact with people whose minds or culture have been subverted in a different way.
This provides a framework for exploring many of the different models of social dysfunction or rationality failures which are scattered around the rationalist blogosphere. For instance, Scott's piece on scissor statements could become a chapter in which the characters encounter a town at war over a scissor. More possible chapters (to illustrate the idea):
Post which someone should write (but I probably won't get to soon): there is a lot of potential value in earning-to-give EA's deeply studying the fields to which they donate. Two underlying ideas here:
The key idea of knowledge bottlenecks is that one cannot distinguish real expertise from fake expertise without sufficient expertise oneself. For instance, it takes a fair bit of understanding of AI X-risk to realize that "open-source AI" is not an obviously-net-useful strategy. Deeper study of the topic yields more such insights into which approaches are probably more (or less) useful to fund. Without any expertise, one is likely to be mislead by arguments which are optimized (whether intentionally or via selection) to sound good to the layperson.
That takes us to the pareto frontier argument. If one learns enough/earns enough that nobody else has both learned and earned more, then there are potentially opportunities which nobody else has both the knowledge to recognize and the resources to fund. Generalized efficient markets (in EA-giving) are ther...
Below is a graph from T-mobile's 2016 annual report (on the second page). Does anything seem interesting/unusual about it?
I'll give some space to consider before spoiling it.
Answer: that is not a graph of those numbers. Some clever person took the numbers, and stuck them as labels on a completely unrelated graph.
Yes, that is a thing which actually happened. In the annual report of an S&P 500 company. And apparently management considered this gambit successful, because the 2017 annual report doubled down on the trick and made it even more egregious: they added 2012 and 2017 numbers, which are even more obviously not on an accelerating growth path if you actually graph them. The numbers are on a very-clearly-decelerating growth path.
Now, obviously this is an cute example, a warning to be on alert when consuming information. But I think it prompts a more interesting question: why did such a ridiculous gambit seem like a good idea in the first place? Who is this supposed to fool, and to what end?
This certainly shouldn't fool any serious investment analyst. They'll all have their own spreadsheets and graphs forecasting T-mobile's growth. Unless T-mobile's management deeply ...
Basically every time a new model is released by a major lab, I hear from at least one person (not always the same person) that it's a big step forward in programming capability/usefulness. And then David gives it a try, and it works qualitatively the same as everything else: great as a substitute for stack overflow, can do some transpilation if you don't mind generating kinda crap code and needing to do a bunch of bug fixes, and somewhere between useless and actively harmful on anything even remotely complicated.
It would be nice if there were someone who tries out every new model's coding capabilities shortly after they come out, reviews it, and gives reviews with a decent chance of actually matching David's or my experience using the thing (90% of which will be "not much change") rather than getting all excited every single damn time. But also, to be a useful signal, they still need to actually get excited when there's an actually significant change. Anybody know of such a source?
EDIT-TO-ADD: David has a comment below with a couple examples of coding tasks.
My guess is neither of you is very good at using them, and getting value out of them somewhat scales with skill.
Models can easily replace on the order of 50% of my coding work these days, and if I have any major task, my guess is I quite reliably get 20%-30% productivity improvements out of them. It does take time to figure out at which things they are good at, and how to prompt them.
Two guesses on what's going on with your experiences:
You're asking for code which involves uncommon mathematics/statistics. In this case, progress on scicodebench is probably relevant, and it indeed shows remarkably slow improvement. (Many reasons for this, one relatively easy thing to try is to breakdown the task, forcing the model to write down the appropriate formal reasoning before coding anything. LMs are stubborn about not doing CoT for coding, even when it's obviously appropriate IME)
You are underspecifying your tasks (and maybe your questions are more niche than average), or otherwise prompting poorly, in a way which a human could handle but models are worse at. In this case sitting down with someone doing similar tasks but getting more use out of LMs would likely help.
In this case sitting down with someone doing similar tasks but getting more use out of LMs would likely help.
I would contribute to a bounty for y'all to do this. I would like to know whether the slow progress is prompting-induced or not.
I do use LLMs for coding assistance every time I code now, and I have in fact noticed improvements in the coding abilities of the new models, but I basically endorse this. I mostly make small asks of the sort that sifting through docs or stack-overflow would normally answer. When I feel tempted to make big asks of the models, I end up spending more time trying to get the LLMs to get the bugs out than I'd have spent writing it all myself, and having the LLM produce code which is "close but not quite and possibly buggy and possibly subtly so" that I then have to understand and debug could maybe save time but I haven't tried because it is more annoying than just doing it myself.
If someone has experience using LLMs to substantially accelerate things of a similar difficulty/flavor to transpilation of a high-level torch module into a functional JITable form in JAX which produces numerically close outputs, or implementation of a JAX/numpy based renderer of a traversable grid of lines borrowing only the window logic from, for example, pyglet (no GLSL calls, rasterize from scratch,) with consistent screen-space pixel width and fade-on-distance logic, I'd be interested in seeing how you do y...
I've heard various people recently talking about how all the hubbub about artists' work being used without permission to train AI makes it a good time to get regulations in place about use of data for training.
If you want to have a lot of counterfactual impact there, I think probably the highest-impact set of moves would be:
Model/generator behind this: given the active political salience, it probably wouldn't be too hard to get some kind of regulation implemented. But by-default it would end up being something mostly symbolic, easily circumvented, and/or unenforceable in practice. A robust technical component, plus (crucially) actually bringing that robust technical compo...
Suppose I have a binary function , with a million input bits and one output bit. The function is uniformly randomly chosen from all such functions - i.e. for each of the possible inputs , we flipped a coin to determine the output for that particular input.
Now, suppose I know , and I know all but 50 of the input bits - i.e. I know 999950 of the input bits. How much information do I have about the output?
Answer: almost none. For almost all such functions, knowing 999950 input bits gives us bits of information about the output. More generally, If the function has input bits and we know all but , then we have bits of information about the output. (That’s “little ” notation; it’s like big notation, but for things which are small rather than things which are large.) Our information drops off exponentially with the number of unknown bits.
With input bits unknown, there are possible inputs. The output corresponding to each of those inputs is an independent coin flip, so we have independent coin flips. If of th...
I find it very helpful to get feedback on LW posts before I publish them, but it adds a lot of delay to the process. So, experiment: here's a link to a google doc with a post I plan to put up tomorrow. If anyone wants to give editorial feedback, that would be much appreciated - comments on the doc are open.
I'm mainly looking for comments on which things are confusing, parts which feel incomplete or slow or repetitive, and other writing-related things; substantive comments on the content should go on the actual post once it's up.
EDIT: it's up. Thank you to Stephen for comments; the post is better as a result.
Consider two claims:
These two claims should probably not both be true! If any system can be modeled as maximizing a utility function, and it is possible to build a corrigible system, then naively the corrigible system can be modeled as maximizing a utility function.
I expect that many peoples' intuitive mental models around utility maximization boil down to "boo utility maximizer models", and they would therefore intuitively expect both the above claims to be true at first glance. But on examination, the probable-incompatibility is fairly obvious, so the two claims might make a useful test to notice when one is relying on yay/boo reasoning about utilities in an incoherent way.
One second-order effect of the pandemic which I've heard talked about less than I'd expect:
This is the best proxy I found on FRED for new businesses founded in the US, by week. There was a mild upward trend over the last few years, it's really taken off lately. Not sure how much of this is kids who would otherwise be in college, people starting side gigs while working from home, people quitting their jobs and starting their own businesses so they can look after the kids, extra slack from stimulus checks, people losing their old jobs en masse but still having enough savings to start a business, ...
For the stagnation-hypothesis folks who lament relatively low rates of entrepreneurship today, this should probably be a big deal.
Neat problem of the week: researchers just announced roughly-room-temperature superconductivity at pressures around 270 GPa. That's stupidly high pressure - a friend tells me "they're probably breaking a diamond each time they do a measurement". That said, pressures in single-digit GPa do show up in structural problems occasionally, so achieving hundreds of GPa scalably/cheaply isn't that many orders of magnitude away from reasonable, it's just not something that there's historically been much demand for. This problem plays with one idea for generating such pressures in a mass-produceable way.
Suppose we have three materials in a coaxial wire:
We construct the wire at high temperature, then cool it. As the temperature drops, the innermost material stays roughly the same size (since it has low thermal expansion coefficient), while the outermost material shrinks, so the superconducting concoction is squeezed between them.
Brief update on how it's going with RadVac.
I've been running ELISA tests all week. In the first test, I did not detect stronger binding to any of the peptides than to the control in any of several samples from myself or my girlfriend. But the control itself was looking awfully suspicious, so I ran another couple tests. Sure enough, something in my samples is binding quite strongly to the control itself (i.e. the blocking agent), which is exactly what the control is supposed to not do. So I'm going to try out some other blocking agents, and hopefully get an actually-valid control group.
(More specifics on the test: I ran a control with blocking agent + sample, and another with blocking agent + blank sample, and the blocking agent + sample gave a strong positive signal while the blank sample gave nothing. That implies something in the sample was definitely binding to both the blocking agent and the secondary antibodies used in later steps, and that binding was much stronger than the secondary antibodies themselves binding to anything in the blocking agent + blank sample.)
In other news, the RadVac team released the next version of their recipe + whitepaper. Particularly notable:
...... man
So I saw the Taxonomy Of What Magic Is Doing In Fantasy Books and Eliezer’s commentary on ASC's latest linkpost, and I have cached thoughts on the matter.
My cached thoughts start with a somewhat different question - not "what role does magic play in fantasy fiction?" (e.g. what fantasies does it fulfill), but rather... insofar as magic is a natural category, what does it denote? So I'm less interested in the relatively-expansive notion of "magic" sometimes seen in fiction (which includes e.g. alternate physics), and more interested in the pattern called "magic" which recurs among tons of real-world ancient cultures.
Claim (weakly held): the main natural category here is symbols changing the territory. Normally symbols represent the world, and changing the symbols just makes them not match the world anymore - it doesn't make the world do something different. But if the symbols are "magic", then changing the symbols changes the things they represent in the world. Canonical examples:
Everybody's been talking about Paxlovid, and how ridiculous it is to both stop the trial since it's so effective but also not approve it immediately. I want to at least float an alternative hypothesis, which I don't think is very probable at this point, but does strike me as at least plausible (like, 20% probability would be my gut estimate) based on not-very-much investigation.
Early stopping is a pretty standard p-hacking technique. I start out planning to collect 100 data points, but if I manage to get a significant p-value with only 30 data points, then I just stop there. (Indeed, it looks like the Paxlovid study only had 30 actual data points, i.e. people hospitalized.) Rather than only getting "significance" if all 100 data points together are significant, I can declare "significance" if the p-value drops below the line at any time. That gives me a lot more choices in the garden of forking counterfactual paths.
Now, success rates on most clinical trials are not very high. (They vary a lot by area - most areas are about 15-25%. Cancer is far and away the worst, below 4%, and vaccines are the best, over 30%.) So I'd expect that p-hacking is a pretty large chunk of approved drugs, which means pharma companies are heavily selected for things like finding-excuses-to-halt-good-seeming-trials-early.
Early stopping is a pretty standard p-hacking technique.
It was stopped after a pre-planned interim analysis; that means they're calculating the stopping criteria/p-values with multiple testing correction built in, using sequential analysis.
Here's an AI-driven external cognitive tool I'd like to see someone build, so I could use it.
This would be a software tool, and the user interface would have two columns. In one column, I write. Could be natural language (like google docs), or code (like a normal IDE), or latex (like overleaf), depending on what use-case the tool-designer wants to focus on. In the other column, a language and/or image model provides local annotations for each block of text. For instance, the LM's annotations might be:
I've long been very suspicious of aggregate economic measures like GDP. But GDP is clearly measuring something, and whatever that something is it seems to increase remarkably smoothly despite huge technological revolutions. So I spent some time this morning reading up and playing with numbers and generally figuring out how to think about the smoothness of GDP increase.
Major takeaways:
[Epistemic status: highly speculative]
Smoke from California/Oregon wildfires reaching the East Coast opens up some interesting new legal/political possibilities. The smoke is way outside state borders, all the way on the other side of the country, so that puts the problem pretty squarely within federal jurisdiction. Either a federal agency could step in to force better forest management on the states, or a federal lawsuit could be brought for smoke-induced damages against California/Oregon. That would potentially make it a lot more difficult for local homeowners to block controlled burns.
Someone should write a book review of The Design of Everyday Things aimed at LW readers, so I have a canonical source to link to other than the book itself.
I had a shortform post pointing out the recent big jump in new businesses in the US, and Gwern replied:
How sure are you that the composition is interesting? How many of these are just quick mask-makers or sanitizer-makers, or just replacing restaurants that have now gone out of business? (ie very low-value-added companies, of the 'making fast food in a stall in a Third World country' sort of 'startup', which make essentially no or negative long-term contributions).
This was a good question in context, but I disagree with Gwern's model of where-progress-come...
Does anyone know of an "algebra for Bayes nets/causal diagrams"?
More specifics: rather than using a Bayes net to define a distribution, I want to use a Bayes net to state a property which a distribution satisfies. For instance, a distribution P[X, Y, Z] satisfies the diagram X -> Y -> Z if-and-only-if the distribution factors according to
P[X, Y, Z] = P[X] P[Y|X] P[Z|Y].
When using diagrams that way, it's natural to state a few properties in terms of diagrams, and then derive some other diagrams they imply. For instance, if a distribution P[W, X, Y, Z]...
Weather just barely hit 80°F today, so I tried the Air Conditioner Test.
Three problems came up:
I keep seeing news outlets and the like say that SORA generates photorealistic videos, can model how things move in the real world, etc. This seems like blatant horseshit? Every single example I've seen looks like video game animation, not real-world video.
Have I just not seen the right examples, or is the hype in fact decoupled somewhat from the model's outputs?
Putting this here for posterity: I have thought since the superconductor preprint went up, and continue to think, that the markets are putting generally too little probability on the claims being basically-true. I thought ~70% after reading the preprint the day it went up (and bought up a market on manifold to ~60% based on that, though I soon regretted not waiting for a better price), and my probability has mostly been in the 40-70% range since then.
Languages should have tenses for spacelike separation. My friend and I do something in parallel, it's ambiguous/irrelevant which one comes first, I want to say something like "I expect my friend <spacelike version of will do/has done/is doing> their task in such-and-such a way".
Two kinds of cascading catastrophes one could imagine in software systems...
I wish there were a fund roughly like the Long-Term Future Fund, but with an explicit mission of accelerating intellectual progress.
Way back in the halcyon days of 2005, a company called Cenqua had an April Fools' Day announcement for a product called Commentator: an AI tool which would comment your code (with, um, adjustable settings for usefulness). I'm wondering if (1) anybody can find an archived version of the page (the original seems to be gone), and (2) if there's now a clear market leader for that particular product niche, but for real.
Here's an interesting problem of embedded agency/True Names which I think would make a good practice problem: formulate what it means to "acquire" something (in the sense of "acquiring resources"), in an embedded/reductive sense. In other words, you should be able-in-principle to take some low-level world-model, and a pointer to some agenty subsystem in that world-model, and point to which things that subsystem "acquires" and when.
Some prototypical examples which an answer should be able to handle well:
An interesting conundrum: one of the main challenges of designing useful regulation for AI is that we don't have any cheap and robust way to distinguish a dangerous neural net from a non-dangerous net (or, more generally, a dangerous program from a non-dangerous program). This is an area where technical research could, in principle, help a lot.
The problem is, if there were some robust metric for how dangerous a net is, and that metric were widely known and recognized (as it would probably need to be in order to be used for regulatory purposes), then someone would probably train a net to maximize that metric directly.
Neat problem of the week: we have n discrete random variables, . Given any variable, all variables are independent:
Characterize the distributions which satisfy this requirement.
This problem came up while working on the theorem in this post, and (separately) in the ideas behind this post. Note that those posts may contain some spoilers for the problem, though frankly my own proofs on this one just aren't very good.
For short-term, individual cost/benefit calculations around C19, it seems like uncertainty in the number of people currently infected should drop out of the calculation.
For instance: suppose I'm thinking about the risk associated with talking to a random stranger, e.g. a cashier. My estimated chance of catching C19 from this encounter will be roughly proportional to . But, assuming we already have reasonably good data on number hospitalized/died, my chances of hospitalization/death given infection will be roughly inversely proportional to ...
How would this model treat mathematicians working on hard open problems? P vs NP might be counter factual just because no one else is smart enough or has the right advantage to solve it. Insofar as central problems of a field have been identified but not solved, I’m not sure your model gives good advice.