Interesting! I'm way out in the middle of nowhere, and experience suggests that the greatest benefits of intellectual co-location happen with physical co-location as well. I wonder if there would be interest in a program with some overlap across airbnb or farm stays, where one visits a spot out in the woods with decent internet but few distractions, and stays for a while (a week or two sounds like a plausible guess to start iterating from) with a host who assumes a metacognitive role in the project that one is working on. It seems quite appealing from a hosting perspective -- doing a short-term cognitive job-shadow role like that for an expert thinker would be deeply enriching, and hosting many thinkers over the years would build a fascinating expertise in pattern-matching between them, crafting an ontology of how folks in a given field get stuck and un-stuck, etc.
And I don't think I'm the only prospective host who prefers a remote location because dealing with strangers frequently (as one must to live richly in a city) gets exhausting, yet enjoys deeper small-group interaction when it's available. There's also a social dynamic where visiting someone in the middle of nowhere gives the host greater control over how time is used, since excursions outside the homestead cost more travel time and thus warrant more careful planning. This dynamic seems like it could be quite helpful if the host's primary priority is to advance the success of the guest's project.
I'd like to do either side of this! Which I say in public to have an opportunity to advertise that remains open.
Probably the most powerful intervention I know of is to trade facilitation of emotional digestion and integration practices with a peer. The modality probably only matters a little, and so should be chosen for what's easiest to learn to facilitate. Focusing is a good start, I also like Core Transformation for going deeper once Focusing skills are good. It's a huge return on ~3 hours per week (90 minutes facilitating and being facilitated, in two sessions) IME.
Both people ideally learn from existing practitioners for a session or two, ideally they also review the written material or in the case of Focusing also try the audiobook. Then they simply try facilitating each other. The facilitator takes brief notes to help keep track of where they are in the other person's stack, but otherwise acts much as eg Gendlin acts in the audiobook.
I've been offering various flavours of this to selected people for the past few years (using the normally ill-advised free option, but I don't super need to earn money currently and it feels good to ask people to pay it forward and do good for the world), with pretty good reviews. I'm not super looking to expand this currently, but might be open to testing out more people in a month or three, depending on where priorities fall and whether I think the person is doing unusually good doom reducing work.
I did a session yesterday with @moonlight, which went pretty well. I ended up consolidating some notes that seemed good to share with new assistants, and then he wrote the introduction he'd personally have preferred.
I generally work out of google docs that serve as shared-external-working-memory, with multiple tabs.
[Written by the first thinking assistant working with Ray, writing here what I’d have liked to read first]
Important things:
For the structure of this document:
Goal: End the acute risk period, and ensure a flourishing human future.
I’ve recently finished a bunch of grieving necessary to say “all right I’m ready to just level up into an Elon-Musk-but-with-empathy-and-cyborg-tools type”, as well as the minimum necessary pieces of a cognitive engine that (I think) is capable of doing so).
I want to be growing in capacity at an exponential rate, both in terms of my personal resources, and the resources available to the x-risk ecosystem that are accomplishing things I think need accomplishing.
This means having a number of resources that are compounding, that are synergistic, which include:
Things I actually do most days:
Things I would like you to do:
I would like to end up with a series of if-then habits you can help me execute. I will mostly write these myself, but as you get to know me well enough to say useful things, you can make suggested-edits
From “Hire or become a Thinking Assistant”
There are also important outside-the-container skillsets, such as:
Even the minimum bar (i.e. "attentive body double") here is a surprisingly skilled position. It requires gentleness/unobtrusiveness, attentiveness, a good vibe.
The skill ceiling, meanwhile, seems quite high. The most skilled versions of this are the sort of therapist or executive coach who would charge hundreds of dollars an hour. The sort of person who is really good at this tends to quickly find their ambitions outgrowing the role (same with good executive assistants, unfortunately).
Common problems I've run into:
Skill I’m working on that hasn’t paid off yet but I believe in:
I also have found I am way more productive when I can do something like this, and kind of want to figure out how to do more of it. Some things that make it harder than it seems like it should be:
some ways I work around this are -
It would also be nice to be able to pay for this as a service but I haven't quite been able to convince myself to try any of this with a stranger! very likely I'd benefit from more highly prioritizing attempting to experiment with versions of this, though.
I'd sort of naively guess doing it with a stranger (esp. one not even in your circles) would be easier on the "feeling private/anxious about your productivity" – does that feel like it wouldn't work?
no it feels scarier! I think if I'm interacting with a real live human being in person I basically always instinctively worry about what they think of me even if there's no strong reason to, and higher uncertainty about what they think of me is more worry-causing; with friends I can somewhat lean on "well they are continuing to be friends with me so they must not be judging me too badly", and also friends have often disclosed similar vulnerable things to me which makes it easier (I am somewhat more hesitant to share productivity details with friends who I feel are way more productive than me). also "entirely outside my circles" is likely to come with "high inferential gap about various stuff I care about". I don't think this all is definitely insurmountable but surmounting it is a currently slightly mysterious first step
(I think "figure out how to tolerate talking to an LLM" might be an easier inroad actually, though that's differently aversive for me)
DM me if you're interested.
I, too am quite interested in trialing more people for roles on this spectrum.
Then, since I've done the upfront work of thinking through my own metacognitive practices, the assistant only has to track in the moment what situation I'm in, and basically follow a flowchart I might be too tunnel-visioned to handle myself.
In the past I have literally used flowcharts for this, including very simple "choose your own adventure" templates in roam.
The root node is just "something feels off, or something", and then the template would guide me through a series of diagnostic questions, leading me to root nodes with checklists of very specific next actions depending on my state.
The fact that you have and are using flowcharts for that use is very validating to me, because I've been trying to create my own special flowcharts to guide me through diagnostic questions on a wide range of situations for about 6 months down.
Are you willing or able to share any of yours? Or at the very least what observations you've made about the ones you use the most or are most effective? (Obviously different courses for different horses/adjust the seat - everyone will have different flowcharts depending on their own meta-cognitive bottlenecks)
Mine has gone through many iterations. The most most expansive one is it lists different interrogatives "Should I..." "Why do I..." "How can/should I..." and suggests what I should be asking instead. For example "Why do I always..." should be replaced with "Oh yeah, name three times this happened?" which itself begs the problem statement questions - Why did you expect that to work (How how confident were you/how surprised when it didn't)? How did it differ from your expectations? How did you react (and why did you react in that way)?
The most useful one is a cheatsheet of how to edit videos, with stuff like "Cut at least one frame after the dialogue/vocals comes in", "if an edit feels sloppy, consider grouping B-roll by location rather than theme/motif". It's not really a flowchart in that there's rarely branching paths like the question one.
Does this, at least structurally or implementation wise resemble your most effective flow-charts?
Here's an example.
This was process I tried for a while to make transitioning out of less effective states easier, by reducing the cognitive overhead. I would basically answer a series of questions to navigate a tree of possible states, and then the app would tell me directly what to do next, instead of my needing to diagnose what was up with me free-form, and then figure out how to respond to that, all of which was unaffordable when I was in a low-efficacy state.
Somewhat. Not as well as a thinking assistant.
Namely, the impetus to start still needed to come from inside of me in my low efficacy state.
I thought that I should do a training regime where I took some drugs or something (maybe mega doses of carbs?) to intentionally induce low efficacy states and practice executing a simple crisp routine, like triggering the flowchart, but I never actually got around to doing that.
I maybe still should?
FYI: I'm hiring for basically a thinking assistant, right now, for I expect 5 to 10 hours a week. Pay depending on skill-level. Open to in-person or remote.
If you're really good, I'll recommend you to other people who I want boosted, and I speculate that this could easily turn into a full time role.
If you're interested or maybe interested, DM me. I'll send you my current writeup of what I'm looking for (I would prefer not to post that publicly quite yet), and if you're still interested, we can do a work trial.
However, fair warning: I've tried various version of hiring people to support my metacognition over the past 5 years, and so far none of them have worked well enough that it was worth continuing. I've learned a bit about what I need each time, but a lot of this will probably come down to personal fit.
I've been testing this with @Épiphanie Gédéon for a few months now, and it's really, really good for doing more work that's intellectually challenging. In my opinion, the most important sentence in the post is the fact that it doesn't help that much during peak performance moments, but we’re not at our peak that often. And so, it's super important. It’s really a big productivity boost, especially when doing cognitively demanding tasks or things we struggle to "eat the frog". So, I highly recommend it.
But the person involved definitely needs to be pretty intelligent to keep up and to make recommendations that aren’t useless. Sometimes, it can feel more like co-working, there are quite a few different ways it can work, more or less passive/active. But overall, generally speaking, we recommend trying it for at least a few days.
It took me quite a while to take the plunge because there's a social aspect—this kind of thing isn’t very common in France. It’s not considered a real job. Although, honestly, it should be a real job for intellectual professions, in my opinion. And it’s not an easy job.
Every now and then (~5-10 minutes, or when I look actively distracted), briefly check in (where if I'm in-the-zone, this might just be a brief "Are you focused on what you mean to be?" from them, and a nod or "yeah" from me).
Some other prompts I use when being a [high-effort body double / low-effort metacognitive assistant / rubber duck]:
I like all these questions. "Maybe you should X" is least likely to be helpful but still fine so long as "nah" wraps up the thread quickly and we move on. The first three are usually helpful (at least filtered for assistants who are asking them fairly thoughtfully)
Another thought, though I don't actually have any experience with this, but mostly doing attentive silent listening/observing might also be useful for learning how the other person is doing research.
Like, if it seems boring to just observe and occasionally say sth, try to better predict how the person will think or so.
I'm interested in variants of this from both sides. Feel free to shoot me a DM and let's see if we can set something up.
I haven't had a good label to put on things like this but I've gravitated towards similar ways of work over the last 10-20 years, and I've very often found very good performance boosting effects, especially where compatibility and trust could be achieved.
I haven't actually tried this, but recently heard about, which might be a useful ai assistant in this space.
I saw somebody using one of the latest Google models for this. I forget the one, but it's the one that can see your screen as you type. It can be used to keep you focused.
(Haven't researched it yet, so might not work very well)
Okay a few people have DMd me, and I'm feeling some kind of vague friction that feels currently on track to be a dealbreaker so let's think that through here.
I have a vision of a whole-ass website dedicated to facilitating this but right now want a quick hacky solution.
A group DM would work, but that feels like it'll produce weird competitive dynamics with who replies first but maybe isn't as good as the person who replies second.
DMing a bunch of people individually I guess is fine but but then I need to go find them.
A requirement for everyone participating as an assistant is that they have a way of being contacted that they'll respond to quickly.
I think more people (x-risk researchers in particular) should consider becoming (and hiring) metacognitive assistants
Why do you think x-risk researchers make particularly good metacognitive assistants? I would guess the opposite - that they are more interested in IC / non-assistant-like work?
Hazarding a guess from the frame of 'having the most impact' and not of 'doing the most interesting thing':
I actually meant to say "x-risk focused individuals" there (not particularly researchers), and yes was coming from the impact side of things. (i.e. if you care about x-risk, one of the options available to you is to becoming a thinking assistant).
I do things like this at times with my teams.
Important things:
Don't think you need to solve the actual problem for them
Do solve 'friction' for them as much as possible
Do feel free to look up other sources so you can offer more perspective and to take off the load of having to find relevant info
positive energy, attentive etc
if they're functioning well just watch and listen while being interested and unobtrusive, at most very minor inputs if you're pretty sure it'll be helpful
If stuck at a crossroads ask them how long they think each path will take/ how hard it'll be, and give them feedback if you think they're wrong. Help them start working on one, people can get stuck for longer than it would take to actually do one option.
(Quick note to people DMing me, I'm doing holidays right now and will followup in a week or so. I won't necessarily have slots/need for everyone expressing interest)
I'd be curious if there is a good way to combine the LLM with human feedback. E.g. if you're on Facebook or whatever, the LLM could send that information to someone to have them "hold you accountable with a bit of their soul"
I’m pretty optimistic that you could build limited-scope versions of this based on AI. Eg a Vscode plugin that observes you writing code, or a browser extension that observes you writing in Google Docs. Also plausible that the AI thinking assistant would be better than median human, or would soon reach that level.
I think the minimum viable "attentive body double + rubber duck" is something AI could implement right now. ChatGPT's voice mode would basically be fine at this if it:
In fact, there is an already existing implementation of this. James Campbell's ProctorAI allows an multimodal LLM to send "personalized messages" based on screenshots, and Campbell claims that:
In my experience, I tend not to break the rules because I can intuitively feel the AI watching me--just like how test-takers are much less likely to cheat when they can feel the proctor of an exam watching them.
It seems mostly successful at minimizing procrastination. I have not tried it though. The LLM also only observes the computer; you'll need to change the code if you want the LLM to observe (and hopefully minimize procrastination on) non-computer activities.
Staying on task, and being only accountable to myself are difficult for me, usually. The idea of a body double would, in my case, be useful. Having enjoyed teaching online for a few years I know often people want a tutor in person. Not for me any more. I'd be totally up for a virtual version of supporting another's work.
Unless you’re paying gratuitously, the only people who would reliably be interested in doing this would be underqualified randoms. Expect all benefit to be counteracted by the time it takes to get into a productive rhythm, at which point they’ll likely churn in a matter of weeks anyway.
Counterexample: financially self-sufficient individual who is curious about the work that the thinker is doing, and wants to learn more of how it is done.
Oops! I only realized in your reply that you're considering "reliability" the load-bearing element. Yes, the hiring pipeline will look like a background noise of consistent interest from the unqualified, and sporadic hits from excellent candidates. You're approaching it from the perspective that the background noise of incompetents is the more important part, whereas I think that the availability of an adequate candidate eventually is the important part.
I think this because basically anywhere that hires can reliably find unqualified applicants. For a role where people stay in the job for 6 months, for instance, you only need to find a suitable replacement once every 6 months... so "reliably" being able to find an excellent candidate every day seems simply irrelevant.
I imagined "FocusMate + TaskRabbit" specifically to address this issue.
Three types of workers I'm imagining here:
And then there are reviews (which I somehow UI design to elicit honest reactions, rather than just slapping a 0-5 stars rating which everyone feels obligated to rate "5" all the time unless something was actively wrong"), and they have profiles about what they think they're good at and what others thought they were good at.
(where an expectation is, if you don't have active endorsementss, if you haven't yet been rated you will probably charge a low rate)
Meanwhile if you're actively good and actively reliable, people can "favorite" you and work out deals where you commit to some schedule.
Depth of specialization to the individual is an interesting question. I suspect that if this was a mature field, we'd have names for distinct subtypes of assistant skillset -- like how an android app dev isn't quite the same as an ios app dev, although often one person can do whichever skillset a situation demands.
I suspect that low-skill candidates would gravitate toward one assistance subtype or another, and lack of skill would show up in their inability to identify which subtype a situation calls for and then adapt to it. But on taskrabbit, we don't need the same tasker to be good at picking up groceries and also building furniture, as long as we're clear enough about which task we're asking for...
It’s true any job can find unqualified applicants. What I’m saying is that this in particular relies on an untenably small niche of feasible candidates that will take an enormous amount of time to find/filter through on average.
Sure, you might get lucky immediately, but without a reliable way to find the “independently wealthy guy who’s an intellectual and is sufficiently curious about you specifically that he wants to sit silently and watch you for 8 hours a day for a nominal fee”, your recruitment time will, on average, be very long, especially in comparison to what would likely be a very short average tenure given the many countervailing opportunities that would be presented to such a candidate.
Yes, it’s possible in principle to articulate the perfect candidate, but my point is more about real-world feasibility.
Of the posts I've delayed writing for years, I maybe regret this one the most.
I think more people (x-risk focused people in particular) should consider becoming (and hiring) metacognitive assistants. This is the single largest performance boost I know of – hire someone to sit with you and help you think. It doesn't help me (much) when I'm at my peak, but I'm not at my peak most of the time.
There are four types of assistants I'm tracking so far:
Body doubles just sit in the room with you, periodically looking at your screen, and maybe saying "hey, do you endorse being on facebook?". They're a kind of brute force willpower aid. The person I know who uses them the most (Alex Altair) has them just sit in the same room (I believe while doing pomodoros, each of them working on different things). He guesses that they 2x his productivity (which is around what I've gotten)
A metacognitive assistant is a step beyond, where they are dedicating their attention to you, noticing when you are getting stuck, and gently intervening. (I assume people vary in how they like to be intervened on, but for people doing nuanced cognitive work, I think not disrupting someone's thought process is very important. You need to feel safe with a metacognitive assistant). My experience is that this is a 1.5x to 2x multiplier on my output.
The next two types are both more involved than Metacognitive Assistants, but in different ways.
Tutors pay attention to you, but are particularly modeling how you are approaching a particular skill (programming, math, etc). They notice when you seem to be tackling the skill in a confused or inefficient way, and ask questions about your thought process so as to figure out what subskills or concepts you need to develop.
Partners or apprentices are full on "pairing" – they actively collaborate with you on your task. Hiring a partner/apprentice is a very hard task, it requires tons of chemistry and intellectual compatibility, so it's not really a shortcut to anything, but if you find the right person it seems great.
(John Wentworth says his research partner David Lorell multiplied his productivity by 3x, largely by raising John's floor performance. His earlier estimates were higher, and he says the current 3x takes into account that the trend of value-estimate has been downward. He does flag that the reduction-in-value-estimate included "dealing with some burnout" at times when he ended up pushing himself harder than he'd have naturally done if working on his own. He's since iterated on how to deal with that).
This post is mostly focused on Metacognitive Assistants, because I think they a) require some upfront investment to turn into a functioning niche of the rationalsphere (moreso than body doubles), b) feel achievable to scale up (whereas Tutors/Partners are both pretty advanced roles).
Pricing here varies wildly. I believe Alex Altair mostly hires UC Berkeley grad students for ~$15/hr, I've worked with people in more dedicated Metacognitive Assistant roles for $40-$80/hr depending on circumstances. Research assistants and tutors are probably much more bespoke.
Executive Assistants
I'm contrasting "Thinking Assistants" with "Executive Assistants." They do involve many of the same skillsets. I see executive assistants' job as a) handling your general metacognition across all the domains other than your core competency, and often handling various other personal-or-professional tasks that free up your time to focus on your core competency.
I think executive assistants are also great, and maybe they should blend with the Thinking Assistant role, since you realistically don't need a Thinking Assistant all the time and do need this other stuff dealt with and they probably collectively are worth one fulltime hire. But it is a different job.
Core Skills of a Metacognitive Assistant
I assume people will vary in what works for them. But, what I want out of a Thinking Assistant is:
There are also important outside-the-container skillsets, such as:
Even the minimum bar (i.e. "attentive body double") here is a surprisingly skilled position. It requires gentleness/unobtrusiveness, attentiveness, a good vibe.
A thing that feels a bit silly to me is that this isn't something I've been able to make work very well at Lightcone with other Lightcone employees. Sometimes we actively pair on tasks and that works well. But, our hiring process sort of filters for ornery opinionatedness, which is kinda the opposite of what you want here. I think even the simplest version of this is a specialized role.
The skill ceiling, meanwhile, seems quite high. The most skilled versions of this are the sort of therapist or executive coach who would charge hundreds of dollars an hour. The sort of person who is really good at this tends to quickly find their ambitions outgrowing the role (same with good executive assistants, unfortunately).
Common problems I've run into:
Optimizing for (not-particularly skilled) Metacognitive Assistance
I've worked with people who were actively skilled at Thinking Assistance, and one person for whom it wasn't really their main thing, just a job.
One way I got more mileage out of the not-as-skilled person was to do upfront work of assembling a list of cognitive situations + habits. i.e:
Then, since I've done the upfront work of thinking through my own metacognitive practices, the assistant only has to track in the moment what situation I'm in, and basically follow a flowchart I might be too tunnel-visioned to handle myself.
Automated AI Assistants?
Like many professions, AI is probably going to automate this pretty soon. I think the minimum viable "attentive body double + rubber duck" is something AI could implement right now. ChatGPT's voice mode would basically be fine at this if it:
Presumably people are working on this somewhere. I might go ahead and build my own version of it since I expect to eventually want highly customized cyborg tooling for myself, and since AI is dropping the cost of developing apps from scratch. But, I expect the market to figure it out sooner or later.
This establishes a pretty solid floor in quality. But, since part of the active ingredient here is "a real human is paying attention to you and will hold you accountable with a bit of their human soul", I expect there to continue being at least some benefit to having a real human. (I think there will be some minimum bar of attentiveness + unobtrusiveness + able-to-follow that a human will need, to be worth using over an AI, once the AI is basically working)
Trialing People + Matchmaking
For the immediate future, I'd like to trial more people at cognitively assisting me, explicitly with a goal of being able to matchmake them with other people if appropriate. DM me if you're interested.
I also generally recommend other people trying experimenting with this in an ad-hoc way and writing up their experiences.
Focusmate + TaskRabbit?
It'd be nice to have a scalable talent pipeline for this, that matchmakes people with assistants.
Because of the combination of:
I think the natural vehicle here is a matchmaking site that's similar to FocusMate (which pairs people for coworking) but more like you're hiring skilled labor. I can imagine something where people list different skills and rates, and get ratings based on how helpful they've been.
Hypothetically this could be a very openended public-facing commercial website. I do personally feel like for a lot of work in the x-risk space it helps a lot to have someone in sync about my strategic frame and would feel more friction working with a more random general population person.
Aligning Incentives
An obvious idea that might occur to you is "Provide metacognitive assistance for free, to people you think are doing good work." I don't think this is a good idea longterm – I think it's a recipe for people ending up undervalued, as people model the cost as "free" rather than "subsidized." It also might turn into some kind of Lost Purposes Appendage where nobody knows how to evaluate either the research or the thinking-assistance and it gets propped up (or not) depending on how flush-with-funding the EAcosystem is this particular year.
I feel more optimistic about "the ecosystem overall figures out how much work various people's work is worth via various evaluation / grantmaking processes", and then people pay for metacognitive assistance if it's actually worth it.
Overall, this is one of the highest effect sizes I know of for productivity (up there with "get medication for your depression", "get a more motivating job" and "get enough sleep"). It is admittedly not cheap – $800/week at the cheap end if fulltime, and sort of unboundedly expensive at the higher end. (Modulo "maybe someone can build a good AI for this").
If you go this route – remember to keep track of whether you're overworking yourself. My current model is most people can in fact work more hours than they can motivate themselves to while working alone, but John's and my experience is that it's at least possible to overdo it if you're not careful.